W3- Katherine Baldeon


Most people have the wrong idea about being in shape because they should also know that it also involves being in good health. This is due to the absence of the true image. For example, most want to have bodies as television characters, or perhaps models, that has a minimum weight that leads to being sick. Other case would be the tendency to be perfect, with a thin waist , which can cause deaths if you get it by a surgery.


I would have to tell, that it can have positive effects, if it is carried with good nutrition and without exaggeration, and only if it is to be well with yourself. Other, is that it gives you some more job opportunities, where you need to look good.


The negative effects would be to put your life at risk because it is a surgery that carries risk and also lose your essence and be superficial.


In my opinion. I think that everyone has the decision to improve their body image. Although it can be dangerous.

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