Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate

1     Title of the article: FULFILL YOUR ROLE AS AND EVANGELIZER

2     Source of the article (link): _http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130515/successful-evangelizer

3     Author's name: Jehovah's Witnesses

4     Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?

 i  tink they are evangelis they__they preach the Word of the biblia they have a obligation to speek more about the god . the evangelist has a especial responponsibility to preach the word of the biblia.

_The concept of mutual ministry is biblical if some prevalent extremes are avoided  .,i think jesus told his diciples totold the word of the biblia .

5     Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.


Well i read about that i anderstand  about the evangelis .The evangelist have aobligation to speakmore about jeova our father  because we need have more information to be morecarefully. _Some evangelist go far away to preach the the word of the biblia ..



Well they belive in some other god bat others assert that god does´nt exist , they think in the evolution  of the  monkeys and they said that tha god is not the creator of the wold . they argue when some evangelist speak some estories about the life of the jesus


_well jeova  is the doctor he has the solution of your life when you  have some problems he do some tinks to to have the solution.


7     6  Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.


ATHEIST:Is the person who don´t belive in some religions .                                                                                   -My father is ateist because he diden´t belive in jeova he tink we are the evolution of the monkeys . PREACH: Is when you talk about the god  fron other people.                                                              

-        The evangelist are the the people who who like preach  the Word of the biblia .

ANNOUNCED:  to make  known  publicly or afficially or give notice .

_ The angeles of GEOVA announced the arrival of the god in the  world.                            COMMANDED: to have or exercise authority or control over;                               

_Jesus commanded  his diciples to be evangelist.


having or manifesting tact: a tactful person; a tactful reply.

_they are  a tacctful person because they only tink in they.







Thumbs downThumbs downThumbs upThumbs upThumbs up

It's the last film of Pirates of the Caribbean, the movie mixes Comedy with action. The first three films are amazing, Because Those movies had relation. But the last film, in my opinion, was terrible,(P) Because I couldn't see some important characters Such as: Elizabeth, Will, Calipso and Bootstrap Bill.
Besides you couldn't see variety en(WW) the mythical characters.

The story begins when Jack meets a woman from his past (P) Angelica. Who is the daughter of a famous pirate named Blackbeard. The character wants (WF) a drink that will give you eternal life. Jack is forced to guide them to the place where he will find the drink.

Pirates of the Caribbean is very exciting, because it presents characters with a makeup extraordinarily(P) in the early films. Besides extraodinarias (SP) animations to give life to some mythical beings that encontran (WW) throughout the movie, also the places where they were recorded excelent movies, costumes and props, the excelent special effects . And the excellent use of cameras.



Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate

1     Title of the article: _WHAT IF I´M BEING BULLIER

2     Source of the article (link): http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/teenagers/ask/being-bullied

3     Author's name: _Jehovah's WitnessesJehovah's Witnesses

4     Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?

_I think the article will about  the meaning of that word ,the cause that happend after  people do that and it´s ovisusly the consecuence or maeby the article could have experianse or examples . In the final part it could said some suggestion about the big problema that our society pass .other especulation that I have is that reading could have is about the most memorable news that suffer bullying.

5     Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.

_Bullying is more than violence physical.The principal things that happen are when classmate attacks to one studet ,when classmate stated to insolate from one boy or girl ,or maybe practice bullyig by internet by message or photos .the person who practice bullying think that they are superior tan their victims or they have bad exammples one could be their families when their are constantly whit bad treat .You can detect bullies ,well,their behavior is to insolate of the society or maeby they have other form to think like relogion culture ,etc.And finaly you can help them when you know  a person whno suffer bulling you should find a help of older person.

6     Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.


1.WORTHLESS:It´s means whitout value. EX.person who suffre bullying feel like they worthless.2.UNWANTED:feel bad for  the he or she value.EX.The violence is for me unwanted.3.RETALIATION: It´s when someone hit you after you had a problem.EX.All bulliesmake a retaliation in against their victims. 4.INADEQUATE:It´s means a thing that is bad to you.EX.The education in our country isinadequate.5.HARASS: It´s means to be like a shadow.EX.A old man harass to Jessica Tapia.          7 Student's Name:ARACELI MALDONADO HUAMAN


IO9-ER1-Rossmery Serrano

Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate

Title of the article: 13 WEIRD TRICKS TO CLEAN YOUR CAR
Source of the article (link):
Author's name: Damon Beres
Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
I think this article will talk about how clean a car with things that you use every day or foods that you eat each day like Coca cola or something else.
Another item could be what we have to do for keeping our car like a one new and only with simple and very cheap things.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5     <!--[endif]-->Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
The article was about how simple, unexpected and cheap tips can help us to clean our car in a easy way. Maybe there are a lot of ways but this text give us 13 tricks. One: if you want a shine car, then you have to wash it with hair conditioner, so you find that the surface will repel rain. Two: Don't worry about streaks and bloches on your windshields, you should pour cola over the glass. Three: Use vodka for your windshield-washer, how? Buy a cheapest vodka, mix 3 cups with 4 cups water and 2 teaspoons liquid. Four: I am so sure that you have in your home some window cleaner, well it is very usefull for the car lights only spread it on car light and rubbing with an old pair of panty hose. Five: Feminine higiene maxi – pads can be substitute to the sail, when you wipe it the glass will really shine. Six: Another way to clean the windshields is using household amonia. Seven: Baking soda can be a good option too if you want to have your car always shine but it is a Little to make it so I do not recomend you. Some people have used Banish back road and they say it is good but that was difficult to get the banish but have you ever tried to wash your car with kerosene?, yes! Kerosene I am not kidding you, with only 1 cup of kerosene in 3 gallon of water, the rain won't be a problema for your car.
Maybe some of you do not believe in these tips but why do not you try them?.
Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
Fizz.- to make a hissing or bubbling sound
She was holding a tray of glasses that fizzed.
Is there any fizz left in the lemonade?
Rub.- To clean, polish, or manipulate by the application of pressure and friction.
After spread the window cleaner you have to rub it vigorously
I rubbed it too much that my jacket had broken.
Grime.- To cover with black dirt or soot.
I looked her clothes and the grime was too much.
Car's grime  was not easy to wash.
Sprinkle.- (tr) to distribute over (something) 
Cheese can be sprinkled on egg and vegetable dishes.
The field was sprinkled with flowers
Rinse.- To remove (soap, for example) by washing lightly in water
You have to rinse the solution with some paper.     
I have rinsed it from my book but it did not result.
Student's Name: Rossmery Serrano




Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate

  1. How to Be a Good Father

  1. http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201303/be-a-good-father/


  1. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?

  • I think this article is about tips for being a good parent so it gives guidelines or tips that a parent can go, expecting changes in family relationships, especially with the children

  1. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.

  • When you become a father nobody teaches you what you should do only you can get tips on how to do it but nobody will know what you really and truly feel the things you should do them, there are many fears to fail and not be a good parent:
  • Make time for you family: sometimes you must sacrifice your time to spend with the people dearest
  • Good fathers are good communicators:  Listen calmly without being judgmental, communication is very important in the family, devoting exclusive time to share with family anecdotes and what you do on any given day}
  • Give loving discipline and commendation:  Even when you feel frustrated or angry, the discipline you administer should be an expression of loving concern for the long-term welfare of your child. It includes advice, correction, education, and chastisement when needed.
  • Love and respect your wife: the most important thing in a relationship is respect for every member of the famnilia for everything to be successful in life

  1. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.

  • Wisdom :   the ability or result of an ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight ( One must seek wisdom in their actions)
  • Womb:   a hollow space enclosing something, esp. when dark, warm, or sheltering (I grew up in my mother's womb)
  • Encouraged  to inspire (someone) with the courage or confidence (to do something)  (I encourage great birthday parties)
  • Judgmental:of or denoting an attitude in which judgments about other people's conduct are made (the judgmental often hurts other people)
  • Acknowledged: accepted, accredited, admitted, answered, approved, conceded, confessed, declared, professed, recognized, returned (I was acknowledged to the university in 2006) 

Student's Name: Jessenia Vasquez Artica


Is he really right for you?


1. Title of the article: Is he really right for you?

2. Source of the article:  http://www.rd.com/advice/relationships/is-he-really-right-for-you/

3. Author's name: Psychologist Dr. Karen Sherman

4. I think that the picture  reflects the emotion of a woman when she receive a gift from her boyfriend but more than anything it is what you expect and waiting of your partner (his details) and is somehow related to the text.

5.  It means that it's hard to meet someone new and right for you but there are certain signs that can help us make a sound decision. For example:
a) To have same beliefs to shared and have an easier life.
b) To manages our conflicts founding and meeting the other person' s needs.
c) Meet his behaves and treats with his family because it's a good indicator to love you.
d) The boys should feel us important and  valued.
e) Both need to listen and respect the opinions, viewpoints and feelings of the other.
f) Act responsibly with the money and other things.
All of this is important to have a good relationship and you will be happy.

a) assess.- to judge the worth, importance, etc, of; evaluate.
• I will assess my date for the weekend.
• I assessed the behavior of my boyfriend.
b) entail.- to bring about or impose by necessity.
• A good relationship entails all our feelings.
• Do something good entails to stay with someone by a long time.
c) Plunge.- step
• He took the first plunge.
• I will give the next plunge. d) merely.- only; nothing more than.
• Merely, I love him.
He is the perfect person for me, merely.
e) lovelier.- attractive or beautiful.
• He is so lovelier boyfriend.
• I like his lovelier behavior.
Yolanda Lucía Orihuela Toscano (I 09)
Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate
1.Title of the article: ___IMMIGRATION_DREAMS AND REALITIES_________________________________________________________
2.Source of the article (link): _www.intermediate_practice.blogspot.com_____________________________________________________
3.Author's name:magazine awake  ______________________________________________________________
4.Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will
be about?
I think is about the discrimination  because  when you travel faraway your contry you have some problems_with your culture and your  language . I think  he travel  for have money for maintain  his  family .
_I think the  other reason is  that man travel   to other country  to have more oportunities  to recive more money
5.Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
well i read  the articol i tink is about  a man   who nead money  to maintain his family bad   he need to travel farawayne
 I read the articol i tink is about a man who nead money to maintain   his family bad  he need travel  faraway to have more oportunities  for his life bad is nessesary to travel to other country, he feel bad__ because he need to leave his custom, language and the most importand his family When you go to work for other country you you need to suport some difficults problems one of these situation is the languaje the culture .
I  tink thad man  do thad becausehe have some problems
in  his economic  bad the problem is  that he felt nerve_wrackinig . hes family loock bery bad because they need to leve
6.Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic
expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
____dream .________________________________________________________________________________
_is about when you have some thinks that you need todo for your life
_-i have  some dreams for exampol to have more money
to travel to  other country to have more oportunities
_-i  need to abroad to have more money
 is the person who travel to other country
carla is a migrant person because she travel to otrer country____________________________________________________________________________________