W2 - Antonio Rios

Dear Angelica,                                                                        September 15
It's great to hear about you, my family and I are very excited about your arrival you are a great friend of the family and we look forward to see you again, it's been so long since we don't we see ourselves, we want you to be here very soon!
I'd like to know more about your arrival, because a few months ago you said to me that you will arrive in January, and it would be great to see you on those dates that my city has a unique weather, some days raining and others the sun rises! So it will be fantastic for you, in my city could visit the Valley of the Huaytapallana which is great, but you have to wear clothes for winter because it is too cold, and as it was expected anyway go to Machu Picchu, one of the most beautiful wonderful on the world
I hope to have more information from you, and any question or problem you have let me know please, write back when you get the chance.
With love,

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