W3 - Samuel Jacay

Last Days


Around all the world, people live difficult moments. For example, in the U.S.  

there  are hurricanes which devastate several cities affecting, in others there are earthquakes, the economy and health of people there. Everywhere people are vulnerable to suffer any disease. Talking about moral decadence, it leaves too much room for discussion. In conclusion, there is no doubt that we live on the last days which are predicted in the Bible and I will explain why I think that.

Natural Disasters. According to the facts there is an average of 88 
earthquakes a day around the world. Just the last month in Mexico City  a strong earthquake of 8 grades on the Ritcher Scale made the city suffer severe damage and many human losses. On the other hand, every year typhoons of devastating intensity often pass through the Caribbean and North America destroying everithing in its path. Despite of anti seismic technological advances, there is no a complete solution for disasters. Therefore, I think in the future disasters will be too tragic. 

Pest and Diseases. Nowadays, millions of people are suffereing from
 diseases and infections such as VIH, cancer, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc. In reality, scientists have found the vaccines to treat the diseases and help people to get better. However, medicine is not available for everyone, instead of helping people to get better their health, physicians tend to sell the medicine at exorbitant prices. This action is selfish and harmful because many people run out of money. Sadly, new diseases are appearing in these days and the medicine to treat them are very difficult to prepare.

Moral Decadence. 50 years ago in 1970, people used to be cultured and 
respectful. Today, due to globalization many people, specially young people are more rude, maybe because their parents do not control their children in several aspects like for example: the type of videogame they play, what interests their children have, with whom they join, etc. Today's pastimes are not very educational as we know, mainly a soup opera, an action film doesn't teach nothing good, it just teaches children to be rude, liars, unresponsibles and finally the result of this is that children start to have bad habits like smoking, to get drunk, etc.

In conclusion, there could be great technological advances in several fields,
however, while not only in the science we must trust but we must start to make big changes from today regarding to our personality and habits and it's pretty important to mold our personality on what the Bible teaches.

By: Samuel Jacay.

W2 - Samuel Jacay

October 20, 2017

                                                                          540 Real Avenue
                                                                          Huancayo City,12345
                                                                          Phone +51 (064) 773-236
                                                                          Email: Jhansfroyjacay@gmail.com

Mr. Adolph Struker
Recruitment Officer
Arts Ambassadors International
740 Vauxhall Avenue
Washington DC, PA 2418

Dear Mr. Struker,

I'm responding to your advertisement for staff as an Arts Ambassador for mi country that appeared  in the October 2017 issue of Arts and Design. As you can see, I have a strong background in Hotel Industry and Tourism.

I consider that presenting the arts and culture of a country is a job that deserves to be entrusted to someone who loves his country, and from my part I really enjoy talking about Peruvian Arts and Culture with foreign people. That is why I have molded my career from its inception to achieve my goal of becoming a tour guide and learned 4 foreign languages: English, German, Chinese and Portuguese.
On the other hand, I know that your prestigious company can help me to develop my potential. Therefore, if I get the job I'm determined to work with professionalism and 

I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you personally how my skills and strengths can best serve your company, so I ask for an interview with you as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Samuel Jacay Condori

W3-Jiménez Barrientos Paola

                                      The world a better place to live?

        Nowadays we are witnesses of the many changes that our planet is suffering. Some of them with positive impacts. Do you ever think to be an actor or actress of the positive impact and help to increase the muber of them?. In the following text I am going to talk about the positive impact that our planet will have twenty years from now. 


In 2037, robots will play a major  role in  monitoring  and  caring for our planet.  Bee bots will assist in the pollination of crops that we previously relied on biological bees to perform.  Using special optics, including infrared  cameras, robots will be  used  where humans fear  to  tread.  Artificial intelligence coupled with advanced sensors will enable the robots to become decision-makers, which will allow them to be used in many occupations. So they can in charge of every domestic task.

Also 3D printers will be common in every household. Simple objects a person might need will be created by a computer/printer filled with different compounds similar to ink, which will allow it to create in a few minutes an object that is requested. It will be useful also when we are working in a project and we need a prototype, we can get it quickly and cheaper.


The basic objectives of education are going to revolutionize since add up, subtract, and read of today to project management, collaboration, mastery of two or three languages fluently. Those will be basic subjects to the educational development.


The food will be printed by 3D printers. Each printing of food is going to be personalized that means that each printing will have the protein, vitamin, and mineral acorder to the requirements of each person. Then the printing of food is going to put in a smart container, why smart? because the container are going to control the diffusion of the gases that occur when food stops being fresh. The container will send an alert that consist in a change of food's color to knowing if it is in poor conditions or contains bacteria.  

We would see those positive impacts if we take care our big house, that include change our bag habits. Start today!


W3 (William Aguilar Paucar)

                                    20 years from now, the world will be a worse place to live in

It's totally true that our world is a beautiful place to live. It's our home and we belong to it. However, there are a lot of viruses around the world called "Humans". Humans don't know how to take care of their homes. Recently, I believe they don't mind about the life of world. We make the world a worse place to live in day after day. I will write my arguments to explain and answer Why the world will be a worse place to live 20 years from now.

The first reason is the amount of population in the world. We can see that the population is increasing a lot every day. I think the principal factor is the necessity to have some place to live and the irresponsible act of having many children. Some families destroy the greenzones of world like forests and landscapes to build homes, so we won't have a lot of nature in world and it will be a worse place to live in, because it will be full of homes and buildings.

The another reason is the species extinction. The principal factor is human activities, they are causing a massive, fast and worldwide extinction of animals and plants species. The pollution is very big in our world, we have to take care of our environmet and biodiversity. The plants are very important to our life, they give us the air that we need, but  we destroy them little by little for our actions. For that reason, the world will be a worse place to live in 20 years from now. We won't have many plants and animals.

If you want to change the situation that is happening in our world now, you have to start for yourself. You don't have to pollute, you don't have to destroy nature, because your future generation will suffer the consequences of our acts.
I hope this essay has served you to think about the damage that we do to the world.


W3- Geison


             Nowadays the mayority of people are worried about how the future of humanity can be  if we are doing the same things that caused all the problems today. This leads me to have a position about 20 years from now. I believe the world will be a better place to life in, and I´m going to explain my three reasons to suport that.

              First, the enviroment is going to be better than now because in the near future the technology is going to make machines that they would solve problems of pollution very fast.


              Second, education to be efficient for the reason to have a particular teacher in an online classes, also people will study at the time that they want and also on their own houses.

               Finally, in the field of health is going to be new cures for many complicated disease and also life time for the humanity  will increase.

              In conclusion, we must trust in our future and we don´t need to give up doing the right things to make the real change possible, good luck ¡


W3-Bitia Chambi

In 20 years from now, the world would be a ...

        Everyday people try to destroy their own world. The atmosphere is not good for us. Many companies in the world are contaminating the air, soil, rivers, oceans. In the 1920s people used to wake up feeling so good. They could drink wáter from the rivers, for example. But nowadays, if you just drink some wáter from a river, you could get sick or die. Take note of these reasons why 20 years from now, the world would be a worse place to live in.
Our lifes depend of technology, since the simple action until the most hardest. For example, when we have to do some documents, we don't need to write in a paper, we just use an application in our smartphones or use a computer. The last 5 years many companies created human robots to do the choirs. These robots replace us to do our tasks. Also, Smart machines already exist such as refigerator, tvs, microwaves, tables, etc. That sounds so good but in reality these machines are too dangerous for the enviroment. When they are discard and exposed to the air, they contaminate it. This was one of the reasons.
The second reason is the garbage. Many people throw the garbage everywhere. People don't think in the consequences. Global warning is increasing everyday and people don't care about it. They just consume and discard. There are many places in the world which have a lot of garbage. Their rivers are too contaminated, for example. 
The last reason is the food. Nowadays, people try to produce amazing fruits, vegetables, etc, but they just are contaminating them. The insecticides are damaging the products. Perhaps in a few years we get sick with stranger illness. 
In conclusion, in 20 years the world will be dangerous to live in. We won't have water because the global warning will increase more than today. So, we have to decide what we have to do.

Writing 3-Jose De La Cruz Ore

The Future Life

   Tuenty years from now, the humanity is going to realize the wrong way we are taking now which is going to change the future. We need to take important actions in taking care of our world, that is the most important thing we have to do. I believe in the future and that's why I would like to present some aspects about things that would change in the future for better in the next 20 years.

   I think that technology is going to advance, but not only in computers or smartphones. Also, it's going to help in contamination problems to have a better garbage manipulation. Machines would work hard to recycle apropriate not organic residues. The advance in technology helps in taking care of natural environment too, because with e-mail and some other kind of aplications in the future, maybe we don't have to use paper.

   I would like to talk about education. In the future with internet and fast comunication, we would learn and get information easy, more than now and also like we see nowadays, we don't need to be present in a place to study something because there are digital classes.

   About food and health, in many my opinion we will have a better way to eat and take care of our health. Food would have different kind of presentations, but they would have special components and nutrients that we need to live well and be healthy.

   Finally I am going to describe what I think about housing and environment in the future. We will control in a good way the birthrate and stop the continuous expansion and the continuous deforestation produced by people in search of places to live. Also, we would stop the emissions of greenhouse gases and stop the global warming.

   To conclude, wha I mean is, if we take conscience about the wrong way we are now, we would make a big change to get a better world or a better place to live in the future. We are in neccesity to face up to bad things that happen and we do, and try to solve the problems right now.


W3- Greys Atencio

Writing 3

People are living in a world will changes very fast with a lot of questions and troubles like pollution , deforestation and more problems , that destabilize a comfortable life for the future , that's why I think that 20 year from now , the world will be a worse place to live in.

Pollution for example in the early 2000s were less than now, but with human activity in industries has increased environmental problems. This problems has an adverse impact on our life and it will continue to do so well into the future, and more this is the main cause of the extinction of a lot of species and important habitats when chemicals and other substances appeared into the ground, air and water .because it contain toxins and if pollution continues at its current rate, the future could be destroying the environment.  

In the same way, the deforestation is a particular problem in tropical rainforest because these forests are the unique place to save the world's biodiversity, I consider this like a big problem because it contributes to the climate change, which is a main principal cause for rising global temperatures damage and a lot of new diseases of our skin and I'm sure that for the future generation it will be more difficult to find a cure or to be able to control those diseases.

Finally , predicting the future is uncertain because exist a lot of factors which are necessary to analyze  but in my opinion the best way to deal the future is becoming aware of our activities and stop destroying the environmental to create a world of quality for the future. 


                                              OUR WORLD TODAY

    We are currently facing many problems on the Earth, social issues, global warming, poverty, overpopulation, etc. As soon as one of these problems is solved another one shows up. So 20 years from now the world will be a worse place to live in. To ilustrate, here are some reasons and predictions about our future. 

    The environment and the housing in the future will not be the appropiate for us. These days we are seeing that it started to rain in places where it never rained before, that´s a consequence of the global warming. Many habitats and weathers around the world are changing and it produces that many people are deforestating plenty of rainforests in orden to build buildings. Also in the city there is no enough space for citizens to get around.

    There will only be processed food and it will affect our health in the future. By the 2040 the organic food will be expensive because most of the fields will be reduced for the changes in the environment also the medicine won´t be enough because the processed food will provoque a lot of new illnesses.

    Everyone is responsable for theses future changes, if you don´t want them to happen, you must change your behaviour and also educate your self and your relatives. 


Dear editor:

      I would like to respond to the article about All my life for sale, which appeared in Daily Mirror yesterday. I am convinced that it is and art projet for these reasons:


      You must be out of your mind if you do not sell the unneccesary belongings you have, I mean, selling your possesions is a good way to make easy money unless you would want to sell your own house, that would be ridiculous.

      Nowadays, people are selling many things online and there are a lot of people who pay too much but that is not our bussiness, that is not your money or mine.


      Also, Freyer´s possessions had a story and that is a good way for selling. Everyone has a relationship with their belongings. Personally speaking I had a Ford from the 70´s when I sold it I told its story to the buyer because I had a connection, a friendship with my old car and people love that. 

      There is  more than just selling. That is my opinion.

Sincerely your,
Paul Anglas


What will happen with us in 20 years

The most people many times reflect on the future, "What will happen with us in 20 years". It is possible that we are involved in a catastrophone or the environment is destroyed. It is very difficult for people to think about it, but from another point of view, technology could help us save our environment and the world where we live in the future. The world will be a better place to live in.

Technology in these last years until today, technology advances day after day. I think that in 20 years different things can be created to help save the pollution and that the technology can use renewable energy. In order to stop the environmental pollution and that the technology helps us to recover, for example contaminated rivers.

Health, I think it's a possibility that in the future we can use artificial organs or artificial parts of our body, that we do not limit ourselves to being able to do things in our life.
Education: it is possible that education in 20 years may be more interactive, for example in a history class we could talk to cristobal colon without moving from our classroom using holograms or 3d images.

In conclusion, we do not have to think that the future is all catastrophes and bad things, but to think about how we are developing as people, we need to learn to use technology correctly and to make the world will be a better place to live in.

W2-Greysi Atencio

Writing 2



123 Huancayo Street, Peru

960438811 - greysiatencio@gmail.com

Thursday 12th -2017

Mr. Mario


C.E.E Company


Dear Mr. Mario:

I'm writing to express my interest from the logistic assistant position at C.E.E Company as advertised in the website .The attached has a resume which explains in detail my qualification for this job.

For two years ago I have worked as a logistic assistant at World Company. My current role was to give statistics and report to provide support of warehouse and supply. I have exceptional computer skill. Specially, I'm very good at with Spss Statistics, MS Word, Excel and Access, my experience is to host event for improve the brand in other places.

I'm an organized, detailed and responsible person, I'd like to focus in main troubles to find a good solution. I like to work with groups and show ethics.


Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I hope that my resume is convenient for an interview


Greysi Atencio


W1-Greysi Atencio

Guido Street
Huancayo City
October 17,2017
The Metropolis Daily Mirror

Dear Sir:
I would like to respond to the article "All my life for sale", which appeared in your magazine yesterday. I'm surprised to know about D.freyer's "art project" because I believe in new business and the ability of the people to create new ways to sell unnecessary things.
Everyone thinks unnecessary things are rubbish that´s why the idea developed by the author is creative and unique besides using the auction as a technique to give more value to these things.
Nowadays, this story gives us a reflection that it is not necessary to work long hours and be very stressed to live on what one likes to do, I consider that these businesses are new and interesting because they look for to have much interest by the feelings of the buyer like Freyer who visits his clients with the purpose of creating a moment with that family, who later will be willing to pay more, just to consider it as a important memory.

Finally, I think that we are in a new way of selling, where products are not so important but the experiences, moments and feelings have become the best sales strategy for the future.
Yours Truly
DescripciĂłn: Resultado de imagen para firma
Greysi Atencio


Writing 2 (William Aguilar Paucar)

William Aguilar
Real Avenue 1083, Huancayo, 964644909, willscore@hotmail.com

Dear Hiring Manager

I am writing this cover letter, because I am really interested in applying for this job. I would like to be an Arts Ambassadors International and take advantage of this great opportunity.

I got excellent grades in the school and institute. I have studied three languages like Japanese, Spanish and French for 5 years, so I will be able to communicate with people from different countries. 
Also, I have taken a special course about the culture, history and arts of my country for 4 years.
And, I know a little about human relations, so I am very friendly, and gentile, I will make good relationships with the people.

Besides, I have some work experience that helped me to learn a lot of things. I have worked as a tourist guide foy my country, I had to teach about the important places that there are in my country.
It was very exiciting. 
Also, I worked as a museum guide. There is a bis museum in my city, so I have worked there for 2 years. In that job, I met new people and made some foreign friends. That experience was so pleasurable.

I hope my letter is received and read by you and I request a interview as soon as posible.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


William Aguilar


Joyce La Torre 
Av. Los Obreros 694

"Mr. Sanchez"
Joy Holdings 
Calle Real 940- Hyo

Dear Mr. Sanchez:

I am writing this letter to be able to get one of the vacancies that you are offering in your prestigious Company. After going through the position description, I have found that my skills and experience match well with the desired requirements.

With more tan 3 years of experience working in positions similar to the one offered, today I'm looking for a challenging role that allows me to develop my full potential. I feel that I could be a valuable person for your team, and I bring to you all the skills you need in a worker.

Given my extensive training and experience working as an economist at the BCRP (Reserve Bank of Peru), I hope you can give me a chance at your company

Please find attached my resume and a list of my references. I look forward to having a personal meeting to discuss how I can make a difference.

Thanks for your time.


Joyce La Torre 

Writing 1 (William Aguilar Paucar)

                                                                                                                    1083 Real Avenue
                                                                                                                    Huancayo City, PA03921
                                                                                                                    October 05, 2017
Dear Editor:

I would like to comment the article called "All My Life For Sale", which appeared in a newspaper I read. I am a little confused with the conclusion of the article:

In my opinion, the article is very realistic, It's one of some things that happen in the life, Someone sells their stuff to get money in an easy way. The article teaches us the real value of the things that we have. We have to love all our belongings. I totally agree with that idea.

Also, the author wrote a lot of adventures about their things that he sold and he shared them in a web-site called "Temporama.com". I think it's not necessary to do. I believe he did it to become a famous person on the Internet, or he wanted to know new people or he expected to get some extra money with their posts, so I strongly disagree with that action.

I hope that my letter is received and read by you, and that you take my opinions into consideration to improve the next article you will write soon.

Your sincerely,

William Aguilar


694 Real Street
Huancayo City, PA 02211
October 05, 2005

The Metropolis Daily Mirror 
P.O Box 670
Metropolis city, PA 02205

Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter to give you my opiniĂłn about the articule called "all my life for side" that was published in the Daily Mirror magazine yesterday. I am surprised that the autor admires John D. Freyer's "art Project".

I think that Freyer was a little ambitious in selling his things just for money. I think that there are better ways to get money like looking for a job. In this case I think he just went the easy way since He just decidad to sell his things.

On the other hand, If he only wanted to get rid of his things I think that he could have given them to the people who needed these things, so he could help por people.

There is not doubt that this way to get money shouldn't be encouraged. Freyer only tried to profiteer from the situation.

Yours Sincerely.

Joyce La Torre Rojas 

Fwd: Writing N°2 -Jose De La Cruz Ore

Obtener Outlook para Android

De: José De La Cruz
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de octubre 10:41 AM
Asunto: Writing N°2 -Jose De La Cruz Ore
Para: aariosvel.interm10@blogger.com

Arts Ambassadors International

Larco street


October 18, 2017

Dear Ortega:

I finished a good career about animals, and I traveled studying in the university to some places around Junin and Peru, I listened to some stories  and learned about the culture of some places there.

I consider myself a fan of the peruvian culture. I really love to learn stories, myths and legends about Peru and the Incas. Also, I like to show peruvian culture to the people that don't know something about that.

I think I would be a good Art Ambassador of Peru because I enjoy traveling and talking with people, I am sure I will give the best of myself.

I would like to get an interview and consider me as a candidate, thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Jose De La Cruz

382 Cuzco street


Fwd: Writing N° 1-Jose De La Cruz Ore

Obtener Outlook para Android

De: José De La Cruz
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de octubre 10:00 AM
Asunto: Writing N° 1-Jose De La Cruz Ore
Para: aariosvel.interm10@blogger.com

382 Cuzco street

Huancayo city, PA 04452

October 5, 2017

 The Republica Mirror

Lima city, PA 04428

Dear Editor:

Yesterday I read the article about All my life for sale, I can't agree with Selling all your belongings even though they don't have a real high value.

I think that Freyer had a good idea to get money and become popular, but I don't believe that Freyer had to sell all of these things that are so used and don't have too much value. Also, I think that many people bought those things without a good reason, maybe they only wasted their money in unnecessary things.

Yours sincerly,

Jose De La Cruz

Jose De La Cruz Ore

W2 - (FLORES, Sharon)

                             SHARON FLORES
                                        GUIDE AT ART MUSEUM          

Sharon Flores, 917 Arequipa, Huancayo, Peru

917 Arequipa, Chilca
00000 Huancayo, Peru
                                                                                  Octuber 10, 2017                                                                                   
  Dear Sir Rios:                                                                                                               
   I am writing this letter because I would like to apply for the job as an Arts Ambassadors International in your company.
   I am interested in this job because I have experience working in different art places like sculpture exhibitions, art show, photographic exhibition and exhibition of paintings. Also, I love the art, in all its expressions. I have been studying art since I was a child. I am interested in your company because I would learn more about art, I could know more working with art professionals. I just graduated from the University, I studied classical, baroque and contemporary art. My grades were the best of my career. I was in upper third in the University and Faculty of Art.
   I would like to work part time, I hope be hired by you. My number is +51 940 107 831. My e-mail address is stephvinsmoke@gmail.com.
Thanks for taking the time to consider my credentials.

Sincerely yours,
 Flores Quispe, Sharon Stephany                                                                                                   

W1 - (FLORES, Sharon)

                                                                                    917 Arequipa
                                                                                    Huancayo City. PA 02210             
The Metropolis Daily Minor                                                                                            
P.O. Box 659
Huancayo City, P.A. 00210

 Dear Editor:
   I would like to express my opinion about the book called All my Life for Sale, I do not like this book. I do not agree with the opinion of the author.

  The author of the book, John D. Freyer, wants to transmit his feelings, experiences and adventures he had for the sale of his belongings. He wrote all of those happenings so that people can value more their items.


Huancayo City, PA 02211

October 05, 2017

Mr. Luis Matos

P.O. Box 660

Jr. Daniel Alcides Carrion

Dear Editor:

                     I would like to respond to the article about ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE, wich appeared in the Daily Mirror yesterday. I think it is good to know part of John D. Freyer's life and his interesting ideas.

I think it is great idea to auction things or belongings that we use day by day, but I disagree with  some parts in this story. For example when Freyer decided to travel and squander his money in different places and not in it is main objective, so he decided to sell his things online.

The idea of selling their belongings with  low prices and describing them with special stories, with the idea that people can buy and be the most accessible things to buy, if you are interested in some object.

On the other hand it serves to recycle things and have money at the same time, being able to give more time to use to things and not become just garbage.

I belive if anyone wants to continue with the ideas of Freyer. They should think very well that they invest the money obtained from their things.

Sincerely yours,



W2-Cover letter-Shayra Gomez

                        Shayra Gomez
                      426 Tacna Street
October 13, 2017
Más.Carmen Díaz
Alpacart S.A.
1200 Huancavelica
Dear Ms. Diaz
I'm a professional who like to work hard,  learn new things all the time and work in teams. 
My previous work experience was on Killak. It's another company about production of clothes with traditional materials in Junin.
That company has a good reputation. I stopped working there because I would like to have more experiences un those kinds of companies.
To describe myself I can told you that I'm creative and pariente.
I love to learn new things all the time.
I look forward to working in your company and have new experiences.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Shayra Gomez


W1-FORMAL LETTER - Shayra Gomez

                                         Guido 456
                                         October 5,2017
The Metropolis Daily Mirror
PO BOX 659
Metropolis City, PA 002203
Dear Editor:
I strongly agree with what Miss Paula Martin thinks about all my life for sale, wich I read yesterday in your newspaper.
Martin talked about poor people because most of the people forget them and nobody wants to help poor people, so Freyer can help them if he wants to became famous ir will be better if he helps poor people.
He can auction his things and the money that he makes will be for poor people in different places.
I strongly believe that we have to help poor people if we want to improve our society.
Sincerely yours 
Shayra Gomez

W2 - Geison

Geison Ricapa
El Tambo-Huancayo
October 12, 2017
Mr. Alejandro Magno
Arts Ambassadors International
48115 Metropolis

Dear Mr. Magno:

Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter. I have recently graduated from University the last semester, and I am currently looking for a job to improve my skills doing the things that I love.

I am really interested to aply to your Company to the position as an Arts Ambassador International, I think the expirience that I have gained at my last part time work like a history teacher at a prestigious School makes me qualified for this job, because I know a lot of the history and architecture about our contry and I worked specially with children and i know how to catch the attention of people, Also If I would travel to another country I couldnt have problems with the language because I have studied more than one languages in the last five years.

If you have some questions about myslef, please feel free to call or email me.

Again, thank you for reviwing my cover letter. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Geison Ricapa

W2 By Pablo Juan de Dios

Pablo Juan de Dios
Av. Ancash 1245
Chilca - Huancayo 985247144

October 16, 2017
Mrs. José Quispealaya
Art's Director
Lima, PerĂş 
Av. CircunvalaciĂłn 1264

Dear Mrs. Quispealaya:

        Well, I think I'm able to apply for the work as ambassador from PerĂş. I've worked as interviewer 2 months ago. My employer the INEI. It's and institution that hires people to work only for days.

Also, I've studied at UNCP. I've finished my career. I'm a journalist and I've studied science of comunication. I know a lot of our culture, so as I said. I'm able for the work. The place where I live is a microcosm of PerĂş. I've traveled to many places in my country, so I've known a lot of people and cultures. That's something positive in my performance.

Thanks for your time.
Yours truly,
Pablo Juan de Dios

Libre de virus. www.avast.com

W1 by Pablo Juan de Dios

Av. Ancash 1235
Huacanyo - PerĂş
October 15, 2017
The metropolis Daily Mirror
P.O Box 659
Metropolis City, PA 02203

Dear editor:

I'd like to express my opinion about the article that I just read: ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE, which appeared on the Daily Mirror Yesterday. I'm glad that the autor admires John D. Freyer's. I admire him as well.

Since I started to read the article, I knew that I will do the same ASAP. It's a beautiful history about items and feelings. I'd like to know him.

In this society of consumerism. We need more people like Freyer, because buying, and discarding items will contaminate our enviroment. People should start to love their objects and keep it with them.

Finally, I'd like that your newspaper will promote more events like this.

Yours truly,
Pablo Juan de Dios

Libre de virus. www.avast.com

W1 By Pablo Juan de Dios

Dear editor:

I'd like to express my opinion about the article that I just read: ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE, which appeared on the Daily Mirror Yesterday. I'm glad that the autor admires John D. Freyer's. I admire him as well.

Since I started to read the article, I knew that I will do the same ASAP. It's a beautiful history about items and feelings. I'd like to know him.

In this society of consumerism. We need more people like Freyer, because buying, and discarding items will contaminate our enviroment. People should start to love their objects and keep it with them.

Finally, I'd like that your newspaper will promote more events like this.

Yours truly,
Pablo Juan de Dios

Libre de virus. www.avast.com


Huancayo City, Pa 03344
October 12, 2017
Mr. Luis Matos
P.O. Box 661
Jr. Daniel Alcides Carrion 717

Dear SIr or Madam:
                                  I am writing this letter for applying to your company as an Arts Ambassadors International.

I studied in the university for two years, the courses of history and tradition about the culture in my city and my country. I leraned all the principal tourist places in Peru and also on the Peruvian gastronomy. I am an architect and I know everything about the different types and styles of Peruvian architecture.

I have an experiance of 5 years travelling and kowing different places and culture of Peru. I learned a lot about different cultural expressions during my trips.

I think that I am qualified for this ambassador's work of art and also I am ready to work representing your company and my country in defferent festivals around the world.

If you need more information about my experience and skill, please call me for an interview.

Sincerely yours,

Writting 1-2 - Greysi Atencio


This e-mail is to send the files which requested in class.



W2-Bitia Chambi

Bitia Chambi
127 Rojas St.
Chilca, Huancayo 32900-9543
October 16, 2017
Ms. Florentina Quispe
Florentina Software 
2550 Software Plaza
El tambo, Huancayo 29819-7610

Dear Ms. Quispe:
            My previous work experience make me an ideal candidate for this job with Florentina software. Your company has an excellent reputation for customer satisfaction, and I know that the combination of my experience, education and knowledge in the languages of programming will make me an asset to program your new web application to sell your products where the customers can enter wherever they are.

            My experience in web applications combined with the task that your company needs. I worked with Dulcelandia catering, a company which sells buffets. A group and I did a web  application site where people can buy many dishes. I can use PHP language, html5, laravel 5.2, MySQL database and some frameworks such as Bootstrap.These tools can make an amazing job.

            I look forward to contacting you to talk about the possibility of an interview. You can reach me via phone 9999753752.

            Thank you for your time and consideration.
Bitia Chambi

W1-Bitia Chambi

125 Rosales Street
Huancayo city, PA02210
October 1, 2017

The New York Times
P.O BOX 569
New York city, PA 02205

Dear Editor:
I would like to write about the article I read "All my life for sale". I want to be honest, I do not agree with it.

Freyer wants to appear everywhere. In my opiniĂłn, he has to control himself to look like a kind person. Many writers show their lives in a book, because they did something different. Some of them helped por people, discovered something new or they won many prices. But, Freyer just sold his things and called all the pople who bought his things.

He says ''Everyone can buy my things'', but that is not true. For example the prices of his things are $15.50 until $46.00. For some people that is too much money. Just people who have enough money to buy Freyer's things can do it. I guess, that is not a different action from others. Everyone can sell their things and get money.

Yours truly,
Bitia Chambi



I am interested in the Arts Ambassador position at ARTS AMBASSADORS INTERNATIONAL. I currently work as a journalist for a local newspaper. I believe that the skills and experiences I have gained at this position make me an ideal candidate for the job.

I also worked as a broadcaster for UNIVERSITARIA radio, I have developed strong speaking and editing skills. For example one of my main duties is to prepare a short debate about social issues. 

This duty requires meticulous writing and editing skills and an ability to convey ideas crearly. 

I am confident that my experience in this cover letter qualify me for consideration.I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail. 


Paul Anglas

W1 - Geison

                                                                                                                        111 Almenara Strret

                                                                                                                           Huancayo City, Lt 2

                                                                                                                             October 06, 2017

The metropolis Dayli mirror

P.O. Box 259

Metropolis City, PA 002225

Dear Editor:

I would like to make a point in response to the article called "All my life for sale" that your Editorial posted last night.

I was surprised seeing this new form to sell belongings on the internet.

I believe Mr. Freyer is a person who knows how to deal with problems, and makes of that a new way to earn money.

The stories about the belongings catch the attention of the buyers and it was the reason that all the auctions increase their prices.

Finally, I would like to give to you a new idea to improve your sells and earn more money. That is to make a short video of the stories and post them on different social medias.

Yours sincerely,

Geison Ricapa

W2-Jiménez Barrientos Paola

                   Paola JimĂ©nez Barrientos 
Av.Ferrocarril N°222
     Huancayo, JunĂ­n, 00000

 12 October 2017                                                                                                       
Josely Smith                                                                                                              
Human Resources                                                                                                     
Art Ambassadors international                                                                                   
Manhattan, New York, 10001

Dear Mr. Josely Smith:

I am writing to express my interest in the Arts Ambassador position that you are offering in your prestigious company. I like to constantly be training that is why the last month I took a course called ¨Global Partners in Education¨ where I learned about important facts of Peru. Then I made a depth investigation about ¨Family, religion, culture, and traditions of Peru¨.

with more than 4 years of experience working in positions similar to the one offered. I developed transferable skills. First of all I improved the way to create efficient procedures. I implemented a efficient procedure to do the differents administrative processes in a popular non-governmental organization. Then during the feedbacks that I had with my team I improved how provide constructive criticism, how receive the opinions of people, how delegate work to others, how make better collaborative projects, and how resolve conflicts with my coworkes. Knowledge that I would like to be able to dump in your company.

I would be interested in speaking with you to discuss the value that my experience can deliver. I can be reached in confidence at the above telephone number or email address. I look forward to hearing from you.

With the best regards,
Paola Jiménez Barrientos.

W1-Jiménez Barrientos Paola

117 Ferrocarril Street 
 Huancayo City, PA 07751
October 5, 2017.

The Metropolis Daily Mirror
P.O Box 659
Metropolis City, PA 02203

Dear Editor: 

I would like to respond to the article about ¨All my life for sale¨, which appeared in the Daily Mirror Yesterday. I think the article was so interesting for me.

The way how Freyer realized that He was buying without caution was very interesting for me, because one way or another he realized that he had belongings that he didn't need.

And in fact that is what is happening with many people around the world, and unfortunately nowadays we can see the effects of consumption without caution. One of them is the ¨Global Warming¨ because of people's garbage.

I think the article will help many people that are compulsive consumers, and also help the environment

Yours truly,

Paola Jiménez.


W1-Judith Vila

                      WRITING N°1
Througout our life we form diferent types of relationships with many people, but knowing each one of them we discover that no body has the same personality.
Kevina and I are similar in some things, but different in many things too. When I first met Kevina, I discovered that she was a wonderful person. We became friends inmediately, because we shared many things in common; we both had very similar personalities. She is very funny. Similarly, I love to do jokes. Also she sometimes gets angry just like me ; for this reason we have a arguments. Kevina is always full of energy just like I am.
On the other hand, we differ in many things. She is usually a very cold person, but I am something more sensitive. I usually distract myself easily and on the other hand she has greater concentration.
Finally I can say that the people have different personalities, but in forming relationships such as friendship; we enrich our personalities; learn from others and come to love them. We are all different but we must respect each other.

                                                          Judith Vila