W3- Greys Atencio

Writing 3

People are living in a world will changes very fast with a lot of questions and troubles like pollution , deforestation and more problems , that destabilize a comfortable life for the future , that's why I think that 20 year from now , the world will be a worse place to live in.

Pollution for example in the early 2000s were less than now, but with human activity in industries has increased environmental problems. This problems has an adverse impact on our life and it will continue to do so well into the future, and more this is the main cause of the extinction of a lot of species and important habitats when chemicals and other substances appeared into the ground, air and water .because it contain toxins and if pollution continues at its current rate, the future could be destroying the environment.  

In the same way, the deforestation is a particular problem in tropical rainforest because these forests are the unique place to save the world's biodiversity, I consider this like a big problem because it contributes to the climate change, which is a main principal cause for rising global temperatures damage and a lot of new diseases of our skin and I'm sure that for the future generation it will be more difficult to find a cure or to be able to control those diseases.

Finally , predicting the future is uncertain because exist a lot of factors which are necessary to analyze  but in my opinion the best way to deal the future is becoming aware of our activities and stop destroying the environmental to create a world of quality for the future. 

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