W1-Bitia Chambi

125 Rosales Street
Huancayo city, PA02210
October 1, 2017

The New York Times
P.O BOX 569
New York city, PA 02205

Dear Editor:
I would like to write about the article I read "All my life for sale". I want to be honest, I do not agree with it.

Freyer wants to appear everywhere. In my opinión, he has to control himself to look like a kind person. Many writers show their lives in a book, because they did something different. Some of them helped por people, discovered something new or they won many prices. But, Freyer just sold his things and called all the pople who bought his things.

He says ''Everyone can buy my things'', but that is not true. For example the prices of his things are $15.50 until $46.00. For some people that is too much money. Just people who have enough money to buy Freyer's things can do it. I guess, that is not a different action from others. Everyone can sell their things and get money.

Yours truly,
Bitia Chambi

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