W3 (William Aguilar Paucar)

                                    20 years from now, the world will be a worse place to live in

It's totally true that our world is a beautiful place to live. It's our home and we belong to it. However, there are a lot of viruses around the world called "Humans". Humans don't know how to take care of their homes. Recently, I believe they don't mind about the life of world. We make the world a worse place to live in day after day. I will write my arguments to explain and answer Why the world will be a worse place to live 20 years from now.

The first reason is the amount of population in the world. We can see that the population is increasing a lot every day. I think the principal factor is the necessity to have some place to live and the irresponsible act of having many children. Some families destroy the greenzones of world like forests and landscapes to build homes, so we won't have a lot of nature in world and it will be a worse place to live in, because it will be full of homes and buildings.

The another reason is the species extinction. The principal factor is human activities, they are causing a massive, fast and worldwide extinction of animals and plants species. The pollution is very big in our world, we have to take care of our environmet and biodiversity. The plants are very important to our life, they give us the air that we need, but  we destroy them little by little for our actions. For that reason, the world will be a worse place to live in 20 years from now. We won't have many plants and animals.

If you want to change the situation that is happening in our world now, you have to start for yourself. You don't have to pollute, you don't have to destroy nature, because your future generation will suffer the consequences of our acts.
I hope this essay has served you to think about the damage that we do to the world.

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