694 Real Street
Huancayo City, PA 02211
October 05, 2005

The Metropolis Daily Mirror 
P.O Box 670
Metropolis city, PA 02205

Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter to give you my opinión about the articule called "all my life for side" that was published in the Daily Mirror magazine yesterday. I am surprised that the autor admires John D. Freyer's "art Project".

I think that Freyer was a little ambitious in selling his things just for money. I think that there are better ways to get money like looking for a job. In this case I think he just went the easy way since He just decidad to sell his things.

On the other hand, If he only wanted to get rid of his things I think that he could have given them to the people who needed these things, so he could help por people.

There is not doubt that this way to get money shouldn't be encouraged. Freyer only tried to profiteer from the situation.

Yours Sincerely.

Joyce La Torre Rojas 

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