W2 - Geison

Geison Ricapa
El Tambo-Huancayo
October 12, 2017
Mr. Alejandro Magno
Arts Ambassadors International
48115 Metropolis

Dear Mr. Magno:

Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter. I have recently graduated from University the last semester, and I am currently looking for a job to improve my skills doing the things that I love.

I am really interested to aply to your Company to the position as an Arts Ambassador International, I think the expirience that I have gained at my last part time work like a history teacher at a prestigious School makes me qualified for this job, because I know a lot of the history and architecture about our contry and I worked specially with children and i know how to catch the attention of people, Also If I would travel to another country I couldnt have problems with the language because I have studied more than one languages in the last five years.

If you have some questions about myslef, please feel free to call or email me.

Again, thank you for reviwing my cover letter. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Geison Ricapa

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