W2 By Pablo Juan de Dios

Pablo Juan de Dios
Av. Ancash 1245
Chilca - Huancayo 985247144

October 16, 2017
Mrs. José Quispealaya
Art's Director
Lima, Perú 
Av. Circunvalación 1264

Dear Mrs. Quispealaya:

        Well, I think I'm able to apply for the work as ambassador from Perú. I've worked as interviewer 2 months ago. My employer the INEI. It's and institution that hires people to work only for days.

Also, I've studied at UNCP. I've finished my career. I'm a journalist and I've studied science of comunication. I know a lot of our culture, so as I said. I'm able for the work. The place where I live is a microcosm of Perú. I've traveled to many places in my country, so I've known a lot of people and cultures. That's something positive in my performance.

Thanks for your time.
Yours truly,
Pablo Juan de Dios

Libre de virus. www.avast.com

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