Writing 2 (William Aguilar Paucar)

William Aguilar
Real Avenue 1083, Huancayo, 964644909, willscore@hotmail.com

Dear Hiring Manager

I am writing this cover letter, because I am really interested in applying for this job. I would like to be an Arts Ambassadors International and take advantage of this great opportunity.

I got excellent grades in the school and institute. I have studied three languages like Japanese, Spanish and French for 5 years, so I will be able to communicate with people from different countries. 
Also, I have taken a special course about the culture, history and arts of my country for 4 years.
And, I know a little about human relations, so I am very friendly, and gentile, I will make good relationships with the people.

Besides, I have some work experience that helped me to learn a lot of things. I have worked as a tourist guide foy my country, I had to teach about the important places that there are in my country.
It was very exiciting. 
Also, I worked as a museum guide. There is a bis museum in my city, so I have worked there for 2 years. In that job, I met new people and made some foreign friends. That experience was so pleasurable.

I hope my letter is received and read by you and I request a interview as soon as posible.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


William Aguilar

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