W1-Greysi Atencio

Guido Street
Huancayo City
October 17,2017
The Metropolis Daily Mirror

Dear Sir:
I would like to respond to the article "All my life for sale", which appeared in your magazine yesterday. I'm surprised to know about D.freyer's "art project" because I believe in new business and the ability of the people to create new ways to sell unnecessary things.
Everyone thinks unnecessary things are rubbish that´s why the idea developed by the author is creative and unique besides using the auction as a technique to give more value to these things.
Nowadays, this story gives us a reflection that it is not necessary to work long hours and be very stressed to live on what one likes to do, I consider that these businesses are new and interesting because they look for to have much interest by the feelings of the buyer like Freyer who visits his clients with the purpose of creating a moment with that family, who later will be willing to pay more, just to consider it as a important memory.

Finally, I think that we are in a new way of selling, where products are not so important but the experiences, moments and feelings have become the best sales strategy for the future.
Yours Truly
Descripción: Resultado de imagen para firma
Greysi Atencio

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