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De: José De La Cruz
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de octubre 10:00 AM
Asunto: Writing N° 1-Jose De La Cruz Ore
Para: aariosvel.interm10@blogger.com
382 Cuzco street
Huancayo city, PA 04452
October 5, 2017
The Republica Mirror
Lima city, PA 04428
Dear Editor:
Yesterday I read the article about All my life for sale, I can't agree with Selling all your belongings even though they don't have a real high value.
I think that Freyer had a good idea to get money and become popular, but I don't believe that Freyer had to sell all of these things that are so used and don't have too much value. Also, I think that many people bought those things without a good reason, maybe they only wasted their money in unnecessary things.
Yours sincerly,
Jose De La Cruz
Jose De La Cruz Ore