W3-Jiménez Barrientos Paola

                                      The world a better place to live?

        Nowadays we are witnesses of the many changes that our planet is suffering. Some of them with positive impacts. Do you ever think to be an actor or actress of the positive impact and help to increase the muber of them?. In the following text I am going to talk about the positive impact that our planet will have twenty years from now. 


In 2037, robots will play a major  role in  monitoring  and  caring for our planet.  Bee bots will assist in the pollination of crops that we previously relied on biological bees to perform.  Using special optics, including infrared  cameras, robots will be  used  where humans fear  to  tread.  Artificial intelligence coupled with advanced sensors will enable the robots to become decision-makers, which will allow them to be used in many occupations. So they can in charge of every domestic task.

Also 3D printers will be common in every household. Simple objects a person might need will be created by a computer/printer filled with different compounds similar to ink, which will allow it to create in a few minutes an object that is requested. It will be useful also when we are working in a project and we need a prototype, we can get it quickly and cheaper.


The basic objectives of education are going to revolutionize since add up, subtract, and read of today to project management, collaboration, mastery of two or three languages fluently. Those will be basic subjects to the educational development.


The food will be printed by 3D printers. Each printing of food is going to be personalized that means that each printing will have the protein, vitamin, and mineral acorder to the requirements of each person. Then the printing of food is going to put in a smart container, why smart? because the container are going to control the diffusion of the gases that occur when food stops being fresh. The container will send an alert that consist in a change of food's color to knowing if it is in poor conditions or contains bacteria.  

We would see those positive impacts if we take care our big house, that include change our bag habits. Start today!

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