W2-Bitia Chambi

Bitia Chambi
127 Rojas St.
Chilca, Huancayo 32900-9543
October 16, 2017
Ms. Florentina Quispe
Florentina Software 
2550 Software Plaza
El tambo, Huancayo 29819-7610

Dear Ms. Quispe:
            My previous work experience make me an ideal candidate for this job with Florentina software. Your company has an excellent reputation for customer satisfaction, and I know that the combination of my experience, education and knowledge in the languages of programming will make me an asset to program your new web application to sell your products where the customers can enter wherever they are.

            My experience in web applications combined with the task that your company needs. I worked with Dulcelandia catering, a company which sells buffets. A group and I did a web  application site where people can buy many dishes. I can use PHP language, html5, laravel 5.2, MySQL database and some frameworks such as Bootstrap.These tools can make an amazing job.

            I look forward to contacting you to talk about the possibility of an interview. You can reach me via phone 9999753752.

            Thank you for your time and consideration.
Bitia Chambi

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