I had a very funny and bad experience in my school. This experience was 2 years ago approximately.
Well I´m going to tell my story, at the last hour of the geometry course my friend Romina had stayed doing some exercises that the teacher left to do.
In the end, my friend and I managed to convince the teacher to have my friend present the exercises for the next day. After that we went to the bath to play. It was too late and we had to go to our house and the school anttendant was going to go into the toilet, but we didn´t want it catch our eye. So when we hid, Romina threw the toilet door in my face, and she made a small cut on mi forehead, it was very painful. I could only put on a cream.
In the end, the school assistand didn´t suspect anything and left. We were successful, when she left I grabbed water from the pipe and wetd Romina for the cut she made me. Then se answered me and all three of us were soaked with water and the bathroom ended up flooded, in the end the school assistand punished us.