I had a very bad difficulty, when I was 10 years old, my parents had to return from Lima, and they changed me of school, I was in 4 fourth year of primary school, the first day, I didn't want to go, I missed my classmates in Lima, but my mom took me and she told me that "everything would be fine", and that he would make new friends, but the truth was not like that, the girls at that school didn't want to play with me, I was always alone, they didn't speak to me, they told me that I was unfriendly, but I remember being like this as a child.
Time passed and I couldn't do my homework and the other children didn't include me in their groups, my grades were very low, but my sister helped me a lot and so i ended the year.
The following year, I returned to that school, I no longer cared what the other children told me, when I arrived there was a new girl, she sat next to me, and she told me that her sister had been born a day earlier, in the end, we managed to be friends from that year, until now, her name is Andrea and I love her very much.
Time passed and I couldn't do my homework and the other children didn't include me in their groups, my grades were very low, but my sister helped me a lot and so i ended the year.
The following year, I returned to that school, I no longer cared what the other children told me, when I arrived there was a new girl, she sat next to me, and she told me that her sister had been born a day earlier, in the end, we managed to be friends from that year, until now, her name is Andrea and I love her very much.

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