WRITING N°2 - Sthefany Lazo Miranda - I11


During many years, I hadn't had good luck. I usually have had many failures. People say "You create your fate", but I think that I born with a certain destiny because whatever I did, bad luck  never left me.
A day like any other, I was walking with my best friend and she gave me a gift. It was a special bracelet called "Huayruro". She told me that a if I wore it, my luck would improve. Certainly, the next day I had many chances instead of failures. I spend time with my family and we enjoyed it a lot, because we almost never spend time with them because of their jobs. I didn't find much wealth, but I found 10 soles in the pocket of one of my jacket. At the end, it was just a stroke of luck because the next day all my bad luck came back. 
In my opinion, if you were born with bad luck, despite what you do it won't change. 
Whatever, good luck !

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