W2 Lucero Chucos Cahuaya

All happen when I was a child. I had aproximately ten years old and I had gone to my uncle's house with my mom, we were
walking in the corner near to my house when
we had a stroke of luck. She stopped and said me: Look! A bill! I dind't believe her because she always make me a jockes and we picked up the bill suddenly we realized that it was two hundred soles. My mom said that one of our neighbors might had falled out the bill after that we ask if one of the neighbors might had been the owner but anyone said it.
My mom usually said me that she always runs out of luck but that day it change.
The next day we went to the cinema, ate, in fact we enjoy the money. 
It was the best story of lucky that I have had, and If I had the oportunity to know the person who is the owner I would say thanks
and sorry because my mom and I spend and enjoy the money without work, only lucky.
I wish I had more oportunities like that.
In my opinion the thing that causes like is the time because in my case other person could had found it.


1 comment:

  1. Improve grammar, please.
    "All happen(VT) when I was a child. I had(WW) aproximately ten years old..."
