I couldn´t agree with you more when you say that they stole you.
They found a different and modern way to steal, because they know that nowadays many people, especially teenagers, play video games. The goal of many teenagers is to be the best in video games and for that they "buy" objects that are going to help them, even when these objects are expensive. By the way, I would like to tell you what happened to my cousin, his name is Hugo. Hugo is a fan of video games. He decided to buy a package of "pearls" because they were on sale, Hugo paid the full amount but only received half the package of pearls.
Before I forget, I would like to give you some advice so that you can avoid this type of theft. First, you have to understand that it's just a game and you can't be wasting your money on unnecessary things like virtual objects for a video game, because that can affect your real life. Second, before you buy a virtual object, you have to inform yourself for example you should read comments from other users. In addition, you have to be very careful with your virtual belongings, because it's unfair that you've paid a lot of money to get that and suddenly a gang of animated characters to steal you. Talking about take care of your belongings, How do you keep your valuables?
Changing the subject, do you consider yourself a lucky person in video games?
