This Blog has been created to promote the practice of English among students of the intermediate level
Neryeling Santana I11
I have never been a person who believes in luck or amulets, but recently a set of events changed my mind.
Last month I found a rabbit leg in my house, which belonged to my grandfather, according to my sister the rabbit legs give you the luck you need. So I decided to try it, for several days nothing amazing happened
One day I was walking with my friends from school, since we had decided to meet again. And when I was walking I felt that I had stepped on something. It was a brown wallet, we were surprised because when I opened it I had a thousand suns. My friends wanted to take the money because they wanted to buy something. I did not agree because inside the wallet was the owner's ID and we could return the wallet.
In the end, as we did not know what to do with the money, we thought that the best thing was for me to take it with me while we thought about what to do with the money. When I was returning to my house I went through a park and on a bench sat a man identical to the ID picture. I approached and after verifying that they were the same person, I handed over the wallet. And as a reward, he gave me 100 soles.
That day I felt that I did the right thing because I was honest, besides I was a person with too much luck.
We need CCTV cameras everywhere. They are a very successful crime deterrent. Preventing crime and catching criminals is all that matters.
I'm completely agree that we need CCTV cameras everywhere because in the last years the crime has increasing, people are used to being victims of crime.
Criminals walk on the street without fear of being arrested by the authorities but, What is happening in our society? ... If we want our society to change we have to start with ourselves.. We've invested a lot of money to improve our society but everyday is worse in many aspects, specially in crime and vandalism. There's now a full range of different crimes taking place in Peruvian streets, and this is too bad for all the citizens and the future generations. In fact, Peruvian police think that we need to search a solution for these crimes because a lot of people commit crimes but we can't recognize them because there is no a clear evidence or witnesses, and putting CCTV cameras could be a solution.
In addition we have to be responsible in the moment that we choose our authorities.
I'm really sorry to hear that every day the crime increases and we are idle.
It has a lot to do with the education at home. People leave values aside and so that the crime is reduced we have to take precautions like placing CCTV cameras everywhere.
Also at the school, I think that the state should invest more money in education, since that is where the majority of young people spend the most time of the day.
There are many cases in which these CCTV cameras are very useful, but the government have to put more of them in all the places because people can´t walk quietly in the streets without the fear of being victims of dangerous criminals.
If we had these CCTV cameras everywhere criminals would be captured immediately and all people would live in a peaceful way.
Eva Vargas - Writing 2
Well, in my opinion the luck is not exist, but when I was a child I remember that one day I was playing with my father in Tupac park, it was very late, but I wanted to keep playing. Suddenly I went to the street and I saw a wallet. I felt very nervous because my father told me that some kidnappers used this method to kidnap children, but I decided to take the wallet and ran to my father, for me It was very funny.
Later, I told to my father about this experience and he tried to ask some persons to return the wallet, nobody was the owner of the wallet, so my father decided to see how much money was in the wallet. we was surprised because there was five hundred soles. I don't know if this was a lucky event, but with the money I bought a new cell phone and more things.
W1 Correction Lucero Chucos Cahuaya
W1 Correction
Writing N°2
writing N° 2 - Fernando Yupanqui
W2 ~Michelle
I didn't believe in luck, I thought it was people's superstitions, but after that day my opinion about luck change completely.
It happened two years ago my family and I went to Huaycha, I brought my pet called "chico" because I wanted to play with him, but when I started to play with my sister I distracted, and the trap came off and "chico" ran to the road because he saw a dog crossing the road, when I realized that "chico" was running to a dog the only thing I did was run after him, unfortunately, at the same time a truck was going to pass over there. However, when "chico" saw the truck he stopped the middle of the road, the truck passed with the sound of the horn at that moment my mom tell me Dont Look!. My family and me though that he died, after a few seconds, when I open my eyes I couldn't believe it! "Chico" was there although petrified he was alive! On the other hand, you will ask, how he survived? Well, fortunately, he survived because he was in the space under the car in which there aren't wheels, one more centimeter and he would not have survived.
Writing N°2/ I11/ Angel Quispe
I would tell you about a lucky event I had.
First of all, I usually believe in luck, I think that luck doesn't occur by chance I mean that you could have good or bad luck depend of the actions you did in the past.
I was having bad luck in many things I thought that I ran out of luck but it changed.
All started one night, I was doing my homework of science, I had to write a report about it. I was really tired, and I needed to present it the next day. What causes me the most stress is doing a lot of homework.
You will be saying, it happened to me for doing things at the last minute, and you have the reason but it happened because I had other activities to do, so I was busy.
Continuing with my story, I was finishing my report when I fell asleep. The next day I woke up at 7:30 and didn't have time to finish my homework so I had the idea of finishing it at school.
I needed to have breakfast, but I usually make it by myself. I didn't have time to make breakfast too. So I just went to kitchen to have some water and I saw my breakfast served at the table. I was happy because someone made breakfast for me.
Then I left home hurried to take the bus. I was waiting for the bus when I realized that I didn't have money. I was about going back to my house when my cousin appeared by chance, he told me that he could take me to the school in his car.
Thanks to him, I didn't arrive late at school, but I forgot that I had to present my homework at 8:20, so I didn't have time to finish it.
Fortunately, the teacher didn't come to class because he was sick. I was really happy!!! I had good luck in everything.
Finally, when I was returning at home, I ran into my aunt, we were glad to see each other after lot of months, so we went to a nice restaurant, the food was great and she gave me some money to buy anything I wanted.
It was a stroke of luck because I wanted to buy a pair of sneakers and thanks to the money I received I could buy them!!!
So, what can I say? It was a day of good luck and fortune. When I thought that everything was going to go wrong, I mean that everything would be a failure all of them turned into success.
I had good luck to overcome the problems!!!
In conclusion if you are having problems, don't worry so much, good luck can help you.
The more positive and motivated you are, the more successful you will be!
Carole Estefany Ñahui
First of all, I think that lucky people are the ones who make the right decisions and in that way change their destiny or prevent something bad from happening to them.
Well, I don't consider myself a lucky person, on the contrary I think I've run out of luck. No matter how much I buy lucky charms, I don't think my luck is going to change. When I want to avoid meeting a person, for some strange reason that person is everywhere I go. But it's not all bad because sometimes I get strokes of luck . Two days ago I was at school when my tutor approached me and asked me if I wanted to apply to Catolica University, I said yes, but in reality I had not thought of applying to Catolica University because I had other universities in mind. I was confused because I didn't know the reason for the question, 5 minutes later the tutor called me and my three classmates, when we arrived at the tutor's desk, we saw four pieces of paper and she told us that each of us had to choose a piece of paper. When I opened the paper that I chose, it said ''YES'', then the tutor told me that I am going to give the simulation of the Catolica university admission exam. At that time I was very happy because taking that exam is a good opportunity to know my academic level and apart from that they were giving me the opportunity to take that exam totally free and that's good because that exam is more expensive than other exams.
I'm very excited, I want to take the exam

W2 Lucero Chucos Cahuaya
WRITING N°2 - Sthefany Lazo Miranda - I11
WRITING N°2 - Sthefany Lazo Miranda - I11
Writing N°2 - Doris Gabriel Galvez
I'm going to tell tell a short story about a lucky event, so let me begin with this. I hardly ever find something valuable on the street. I just found 10 cents on the street once. I do not have any kind of story like that. Nonetheless, I think that luck is in other things, too.
First, I did not believe much in luck because I always thought my luck has run out since I was a child. However, my concept of what luck is has changed through the years. Having luck is not just finding coins or something value on the street, winning prizes, getting good scores, etc. Having luck is meeting good friends and people who you can trust and count on during your life time. These people can help you in many ways. For example, I met someone who changed my way of thinking. I was lost emotionally, all the people I trusted just let me down, and I only wanted to end with everything since I did not know how to continue with all that. I thought I always had bad luck because only bad things happened to me. Since I met my best friend, he changed how I thought about life. He made me realized that life was beautiful, that not all the people are bad, that if you want to do something, you can really do it, and you can do great things with sacrifice and a lot of effort. These pieces of advice changed my life because, since that time, I tried to be a better person, I strived in my studies and all the things that I was doing.
To conclude, the luck is not only in valuable things you can find, luck is in the people you can meet thought your life, too.
Writing N2 - Luis Fernando Canez Cordova
Writing N1- Luis Fernado Canez Cordova
Writing N°2 Jimena Calderón Habich
Writing 2- Ania Cayetano
At that time, when I saw my cartoons on tv, they would always broadcast a cable company ad with Japanese characters who sang the promotions of that company and I learned the song and at the same time they became my favorite characters. After four months, this company held an event in which these characters would come to give a special show and to be able to attend had to conduct an online survey. I told my mom about this and she helped me do this survey. Honestly, we didn't know anything about these characters, except for the song in the ad. We answered the best we could and sent the survey to the company. I think it was the work of fate since, a week later, my mother was called from the company announcing that we had won three passes for the event and that we were the first to guess all the questions asked in the survey. My mother, surprised, told me the news also said: "this is a stroke of luck daughter and the thing that surprises me is that you are only a girl of 8 years!" My mom hugged me and we were happy to break the news to my dad.
Finally, I went with my dad to the event and being the first to correctly guess all the questions, the company did an interview about how we knew these characters and I told them: "What I really like is listening the song of the Japanese" and the interviewers laughed together with my dad.WRITING N2 TACZA HUARINGA LUCERO INTERMEDIATE 11
I will tell you about a lucky event I had.
First of all, I usually believe in luck, I think that luck doesn't occur by chance I mean that you could have good or bad luck depend of the actions you did in the past.
I was having bad luck in many things I thought that I ran out of luck but it changed.
All started one night, I was doing my homework of science, I had to write a report about it. I was really tired, and I needed to present it the next day. What causes me the most stress is doing a lot of homework.
You will be saying, it happened to me for doing things at the last minute, and you have the reason but it happened because I had other activities to do, so I was busy.
Continuing with my story, I was finishing my report when I feel asleep. The next day I woke up at 7:30 and didn't have time to finish my homework so I had the idea of finishing it at school.
I needed to have breakfast, but I usually make it by myself. I didn't have time to make breakfast too. So I just went to kitchen to have some water and I saw my breakfast served at the table. I was happy because someone made breakfast for me.
Then I left home hurried to take the bus. I was waiting for the bus when I realized that I didn't have money. I was about going back to my house when my cousin appeared by chance, he told me that he could take me to the school in his car.
Thanks to him, I didn't arrive late at school, but I forgot that I had to present my homework at 8:20, so I didn't have time to finish it.
Fortunately, the teacher didn't come to class because he was sick. I was really happy!!! I had good luck in everything.
Finally, when I was returning at home, I ran into my aunt, we were glad to see each other after lot of months, so we went to a nice restaurant, the food was great and she gave me some money to buy anything I wanted.
It was a stroke of luck because I wanted to buy a pair of sneakers and thanks to the money I received I could buy them!!!
So, what can I say? It was a day of good luck and fortune. When I thought that everything was going to go wrong, I mean that everything would be a failure all of them turned into success.
I had good luck to overcome the problems!!!
In conclusion if you are having problems, don't worry so much, good luck can help you.
The more positive and motivated you are, the more successful you will be!
writing N°1
I´m totally agree with the first posted comment. We need CCTV cameras anywhere because it helps to capture the criminal's faces when they commit a crime and it is easy for the police to recognize them.
That reminds me about a news that happened two months ago when two men had entered a well-know jewelry store in Lima and they took jewels valued at one hundred thousand dollars. By the way, the thieves got disguised as old people, but fortunately the cameras helped the police to recognize and catch them.
So I think this kind of technology is very succesfull to prevent crime and catching
criminals and you can place it anywhere and see different
images at the same time.
Re: Valery actual
I really agree with you becase if we add some cameras in huancayo we could have a city safer.Cctv cameras can help us in lot of things :
first ,criminals would be sacare and as a consequance they will stop stealing .
Second, we will know the way that they act so we can found the way to avoid it.
Third , we will know they tracks and we can catch then but only if we work hard.
As you said we can prevent the crime and also we can stop the crime but ccvt cameras are just the first step to overcome crime .
Nowadays we have to do something to overcome crime because if huancayo still suffering crime all of us will be affected.
I agree with you because now we have many problems and usually the authorities of today do not believe us when we try to denounce something or someone that is the reason why we need more security cameras around the city. Many people believe that it is expensive but in fact it is cheap but I believe that the state does not want to offer us those cameras. The security cameras are a tool that helps prevent and fight crime, as well as crime investigation.
I agree with you because now we have many problems and usually the authorities of today do not believe us when we try to denounce something or someone that is the reason why we need more security cameras around the city. Many people believe that it is expensive but in fact it is cheap but I believe that the state does not want to offer us those cameras. The security cameras are a tool that helps prevent and fight crime, as well as crime investigation.
Eva Vargas
We need CCTV cameras everywhere. They are a very successful crime deterrent. Preventing crime and catching criminals is all that matters.
I'm completely agree that we need CCTV cameras everywhere because in the last years the crime has increasing, people are used to being victims of crime.
Criminals walk on the street without fear of being arrested by the authorities but, What is happening in our society? ... If we want our society to change we have to start with ourselves.
In addition we have to be responsible in the moment that we choose our authorities.
I'm really sorry to hear that every day the crime increases and we are idle.
It has a lot to do with the education at home. People leave values aside and so that the crime is reduced we have to take precautions like placing CCTV cameras everywhere.
Also at the school, I think that the state should invest more money in education, since that is where the majority of young people spend the most time of the day.
Finally, we must all be participants in combating crime.
We need CCTV cameras everywhere. They are a very successful crime deterrent. Preventing crime and catching criminals is all that matters.
I'm completely agree that we need CCTV cameras everywhere because in the last years the crime has increasing, people are used to being victims of crime.
Criminals walk on the street without fear of being arrested by the authorities but, What is happening in our society? ... If we want our society to change we have to start with ourselves.
In addition we have to be responsible in the moment that we choose our authorities.
I'm really sorry to hear that every day the crime increases and we are idle.
It has a lot to do with the education at home. People leave values aside and so that the crime is reduced we have to take precautions like placing CCTV cameras everywhere.
Also at the school, I think that the state should invest more money in education, since that is where the majority of young people spend the most time of the day.
Finally, we must all be participants in combating crime.
Fecha: abr. 24, 2019 11:18 AM
Para: <>
We need CCTV cameras everywhere. They are a very successful crime deterrent. Preventing crime and catching criminals is all that matters.
I'm completely agree that we need CCTV cameras everywhere because in the last years the crime has increasing, people are used to being victims of crime.
Criminals walk on the street without fear of being arrested by the authorities but, What is happening in our society? ... If we want our society to change we have to start with ourselves.
In addition we have to be responsible in the moment that we choose our authorities.
I'm really sorry to hear that every day the crime increases and we are idle.
It has a lot to do with the education at home. People leave values aside and so that the crime is reduced we have to take precautions like placing CCTV cameras everywhere.
Also at the school, I think that the state should invest more money in education, since that is where the majority of young people spend the most time of the day.
Finally, we must all be participants in combating crime.
Fwd: Sthefany Lazo
De: Sthefany Lazo Miranda <>
Fecha: El mié, 24 de abr. de 2019 a las 16:49
Asunto: Sthefany Lazo
Para: <>
Sthefany Lazo
Jared Portillo
Writing N° 1
I agree with you because now we have many problems and usually the authorities of today do not believe us when we try to denounce something or someone that is the reason why we need more security cameras around the city. Many people believe that it is expensive but in fact it is cheap but I believe that the state does not want to offer us those cameras. The security cameras are a tool that helps prevent and fight crime, as well as crime investigation.
In my opinion, file sharing is not a crime in some cases. For example: Last week, I did my video project. Did my video project was too hard to me because I had never done a video before so I used an App called Movavi. Movavi is very easy to use but if you
Writing N° 1/ I11/ Angel Quispe
Writing N°1/ I11
In my opinion, file sharing is not a crime in some cases. For example: last week, I did my video project and I uploaded the video to Facebook, after 10 minutes. Facebook sent me a message saying that they had silenced 1 min of my video because my video co
Lucero Chucos Cahuaya
gabriel galvez doris
Carole Estefany Ñahui Quispe
I couldn´t agree with you more when you say that they stole you.
They found a different and modern way to steal, because they know that nowadays many people, especially teenagers, play video games. The goal of many teenagers is to be the best in video games and for that they "buy" objects that are going to help them, even when these objects are expensive. By the way, I would like to tell you what happened to my cousin, his name is Hugo. Hugo is a fan of video games. He decided to buy a package of "pearls" because they were on sale, Hugo paid the full amount but only received half the package of pearls.
Before I forget, I would like to give you some advice so that you can avoid this type of theft. First, you have to understand that it's just a game and you can't be wasting your money on unnecessary things like virtual objects for a video game, because that can affect your real life. Second, before you buy a virtual object, you have to inform yourself for example you should read comments from other users. In addition, you have to be very careful with your virtual belongings, because it's unfair that you've paid a lot of money to get that and suddenly a gang of animated characters to steal you. Talking about take care of your belongings, How do you keep your valuables?
Changing the subject, do you consider yourself a lucky person in video games?

Jimena Calderón Habich
-Neryeling Santana