Status of foreign language in Peru

Writing Evaluation N° 2

Name: Jorge Suárez Freyre
Course: I10


As Minister of Education, I can say that foreign languages ​​are important in our country because they will open doors for anyone who can speak another language besides the mother tongue. There are many business opportunities like TLC. For example, if you want to do business with English countries it's easier to do it when you know that foreign language.

Current situation

Nowadays, schools are teaching a foreign language like English, Portuguese or German, but there is a problem, every year many of them teach the same. To give you an idea, when students are in first grade, they learn about verb to be, and the next year they are going to repeat that. Therefore, schools need to organize the structure of the course over the years.


Learning another language at school could be difficult because schools don't focus on that. So, if students want to improve their learning, they could go to some institute like ICPNA. Also, you can apply for a scholarship. For self-taught people, there are online programs where you can learn languages like Duolingo, so that, there aren't excuses.


When you want to improve a foreign language ability, you must involve in that language. First, try to listen audios in a foreign language for improving your listening skill. Finally, read books aloud, and talk with foreign people for improving your speaking and writing skills.

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