The learning of English in Peru
As the minister,many(SPA) people make(WW) about the situation of Learn(WF) English and how we could improve it.Teachers(SPA) are too important in a good educational system,because(SPA) they are (...) that give us the first steps to start studiying(SP) a new language.
Why is (...) important (...) study English.(P)
(S) Is important to have a good and funtional(SP) educational system where we can learn a new language like English,(P) nowadays we live in a peiod(SP) of time where we see English everywhere,(P)on the interner,(SP) TV, Music,(CAP) business, and in generally(WF) new and best information is in English,(P) that's why it is so important in our educational system.
The situation of teaching English.
I have the certain(WF) that public schools don't have a good English teaching system.(SPA)Also,students don't take seriously learn English,(WO)because most of them think that is not important.In(SPA) our country there hay(WW) many places thatoffer teach English,but are few of them that give you the best quality,(P) we should be careful where we decide to study.
How we can help and improve.
To solve problems on the English learning, we need to have better teachers in schools to improve and motivate students to learn English,(P) (...) implement the best system in the way that students understand the importance to study and learn a new language,and focus on create(WF) practice places like blogs and special books to improve the good way to learn English in our country.
As the minister,many(SPA) people make(WW) about the situation of Learn(WF) English and how we could improve it.Teachers(SPA) are too important in a good educational system,because(SPA) they are (...) that give us the first steps to start studiying(SP) a new language.
Why is (...) important (...) study English.(P)
(S) Is important to have a good and funtional(SP) educational system where we can learn a new language like English,(P) nowadays we live in a peiod(SP) of time where we see English everywhere,(P)on the interner,(SP) TV, Music,(CAP) business, and in generally(WF) new and best information is in English,(P) that's why it is so important in our educational system.
The situation of teaching English.
I have the certain(WF) that public schools don't have a good English teaching system.(SPA)Also,students don't take seriously learn English,(WO)because most of them think that is not important.In(SPA) our country there hay(WW) many places that
How we can help and improve.
To solve problems on the English learning, we need to have better teachers in schools to improve and motivate students to learn English,(P) (...) implement the best system in the way that students understand the importance to study and learn a new language,and focus on create(WF) practice places like blogs and special books to improve the good way to learn English in our country.
There are important things to revise.