1.The importance of foreign languages in our country
This report describes important topics to learn foreign languages, someone can say my primary language is spanish and he can get a good job and have a good life .But in this new world is very important to learn foreign langauges if you want to improve your life. Also you can have more opportunities than other people or you can get scholarships just because you know another language.
2.The current situation of the teaching of foreign languages in schools
l think in high schools the students need to know foreign languages because in this new world is very important to be prepared ,maybe, for journeys or scholarship .But if you think about our education in high schools, it is so bad in some schools you study english one hour a week .In addition, schools don't promote the teaching of foreign langauges in students.
3.Opportunities for learning foreign languages outside of the school system
l think that is neccesary to study foreign languages outside of the school for some reasons. For example, when you are in high school and you study there foreign langauges you can study just 1 or 2 hours in a week but if you study in a language institute you will focus your time just in study foreing languages for hours and you will can keep on conversations whit your teacher and ask for recommendations, as well .
You can spend a month in the United states improving your English if you are planning to use your english for your work.
You should carry on conversations with some friends who know how to speak in a foreing language.
You should listen songs in foreing languages.
The most important recommendation is study hard.
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