Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate
1. Title of the article: What Makes a Good Friend?
2. Source of the article (link): http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201406/what-makes-good-friend/
3. Author's name: Jeovah´s Witnesses
4. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
I think that the article will teach you How to make new and good friends. Also it will teach you how to be a good friend and that your friendship should be durable and reliable with all the people that you meet.
5. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
The article is about How to make new friends and you should try to the people, such and like you want them to treat you. For Example, If you offend someone, Someday He/She will offend you.
If you want to have new friends you should be very sociable. Also you should communicate very well and learn to listen because most people like it them to listen to them.
We know that our friends are not perfects but us neither. We should not criticize our friends, all the people have defects, nobody is perfect and all the people deserve respect.
6. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
a) Resource: A new or a reserve source of supply or support
Amelia needs a lot of resources because her homework is very difficult.
The project was very good because Luis used resources of different books.
b) Behalf: Benefit, support, defense
Mariaelena had a behalf by different people.
Fernando behalves to different organizations.
c) Innermost: Farthest inward. Inmost
Our boss said that the well will be innermost.
The river is innermost of what I thought.
d) Faithful: Allegiance to a person. Loyalty, confidence.
Rocio is a very faithful person.
His dog is faithful although He hits it.
e) Bond: A binding or uniting force or tie
I have a bond with my family that nobody won´t break it.
You have a very good bond with your girlfriend. I am security that you are going to get married.
Student's Name: BRIGITTE TORIBIO I06
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