Hard to believe

Hi Neil,

How are things? I've been meaning to drop you a line for some time. Guess what happened the last time I went to Lima? I ran into Edson Pretell, our old schoolmate, remember? It has been a long time since I saw him. I couldn't believe how much he's changed!

He has grown a little more, put on some weight and change his hairstyle. His hair is dark and shorter now.

Check out this link to photos from his Facebook page.

He used to be laid-back and talkative, didn't he? But now, he looks very confident and dedicated to his job. He is working as a bank lawyer in a recognized company.

I couldn't believe that someone has changed so much in a few years, I've attached a photo of him, you and me. We were taking a break from sports in the second grade of secondary school. Look how the bangs I had back then! And you were short and your face was very pale. It's hard to believe, isn't it?

Anyway, how are you? Drop me a line when you can, and let me know how you're doing!

Take care,




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