WRITING N1: my mother syndrome

My mother is fifty four years old and she does not work out of my house. My sister and I are independent peoples, but we live at our parent's house yet.  In my house sometimes aren´t anyone, because we need to study or work, only mi mom is in my house.

But my mother always are doing something, although my sister, my father and I sometimes we aren´t in house, but she ever finds one thing for doing. I think my mother suffer from "underload syndrome", because she ever needs to do something.  And she ever finishes the day so exhausted and we sometimes feel guilt for that and in the next day we help her to do the house works, but when we arrive to house at the night, mi mother are doing something again.

I think the solution for this is that my mom take a vacation, holiday or worse not only the requested everyone to rest at home, if not necessarily have to leave home, that is to say perhaps a trip out of town is the solution or a small trip to the home of a family member to a nearby district of Huancayo, but either way she needs to leave the house.




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