Writing Nº1 - Adriana Cueva

Nowadays in our country, many persons talk about bullying, but they don't know what it is. Bullying is when someone abuses another person. There are many kinds of bullying such us beating, harassment, etc. Bullying has become a dangerous epidemic and nobody can't get away from it. When bullying happens, there are often witnesses present either in person or online. If they didn't choose to become an upstander, they could help to stop those situations. Parents need to educate their children about bullying. It's possible that their children are having trouble and they don't know.
Parents should model positive examples for their child in relationships with other people and with them. 
It's important for students to report any bullying to their parents or an adult they trust. Take for example: Often kids don't report cyberbullying cause they fear their parents will take away their phone or computer, but if they noticed a case of bullying, they could help immediately and stop it. 

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