the status of foreign language in Perú

this report is about how foreign language speakers have increased in these last few years and the opportunities that it could bring us.

It is important to learn a foreign language because your memory will improve with a lot of words and knowledge. You can learn about other cultures, and you can have a lot more opportunities for work.
Although some teachers aren't well prepared to teach in a university or at a school, there are teachers who are well prepared to teach a foreign language. 
knowing a foreign language give us a lot of opportunities. You can get jobs and improve your résume if you want to get a good job. Not only that, learning a foreign language allows you to travel to other places.

It is recommended to have teachers that are fluent in English, and that everyone that is learning a foreign language practice daily and speak with native English speakers so you can improve every day.  

Writing number 1 
                                            Message Board 

Navarro Ariste Andrea - Huancayo - Perú
December 04. 2018  at 6:45 p.m 
I think the solution is on us and our society.
first, all the schools should work with a psychologist so they will teach each student through sessions about what negative things bring us bullying if you practice it.
psychologist should work it with all the students in the world then each student will be aware of this. 
Then every person will be more aware and all the people will take care of themselves like this, all the people will work together and the percentage of buying will go to drop 

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