Writing N°1

One month ago, my classmates and I agreed to go all together somewhere and not attend classes. We said that we would meet at the school door. When I got there, I found one of my classmates. Then they called me and told me they were in a passage in front of the school. I went to that passage and there was nobody. I only saw one construction. I went back to the door and I found more classmates. They called me again asking where I was and I said that at the door. They told me to go back to that passage and when I went I heard laughter. I found them hiding in that construction. We were 20! After finding them, we didn't know where to go. Suddenly, we hear someone told us: the school has to find out about this! We were scared and we went running to a place called "El Bosque". When we arrived there, I went with my best friend and left the others behind. Two days after happened this, the school coordinator sent a call to all those who had missed that day. They called everyone's parents and didn't let us enter the school to sign a commitment. After all that we haven't returned to agree to miss school. For fear that they will call our parents again. It seems that we have all learned not to do It again.

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