Corrección del writing

Writing 1 
Name: Max Uribe

First. One year ago. I got a part time job. Everyday I went to work early, and un the afternoons I studied. I received a salary every week. Then I kept It in a pocket. Two months later. I had saved a lot of money so, I decides to open a bank account. Next I couldn't work anymore because I didn't have time. After that I had to buy many things for univeristy so, I had to withdraw money. Everyday I removed $50 per day. By the end of the first year. I didn't have any money left on my credit card. Later I was in debt because I didn't have money to deposit. Finally I had to close my account. 
If you openned and account, you needed a permanent job. 

1 comment:

  1. It seems you misunderstood the instructions about punctuation.
