Writing N°2 - Anghela Nayely Bernaola Rosado

I agree and disagree in what Wiley says. First of all, I agree because sometimes I think that If women go to the school with men, they use to avoid to make mistakes, because they don’t want to make a fool in front of each other. Also in some cases men are more aggressive than women. So, if men are more aggressive that women, they can’t live in peaceful.

In the other hand, I agree with the idea of Wiley, I thinks that if both of them live separated it would be catastrophic because we know that women and men are different but if both of them live together they can help each other. We know that women can do many things as men, sometimes men lose their minds easily so in that way women can advise them or make them to feel calm. In other case can be in family, in family only one of them can be the one that brings the bread to the house, but if both of them live together with their children they will teach their children better. If one of them make a mistake, the other person will amend that mistake.

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