Writing N°1-Maria Yupanqui

Huancayo is one of the city with more visitors. You can arrive to Huancayo un seven hours from Lima.
In your trio you see some interesting and beautiful places. You see Ticlio snowy and vegetables that you can find un Mantaro valley. But Ticlio snowy not is the unique snowy because you can find other, forma example Huaytapallana snowy.
If you loke to playa un the snow, Huaytapallana snowy is one of the best placer un Huancayo.
The majority of the tourists decide to visit this placer because is very beautiful and they like to talk many photos for their memories.
Also Huancayo is one of the city that organize the best party, forma example Santiago party. If you like to dance, Santiago is one of the best dance in our city because you can wear the traditional clothe.

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