IG3-ER1-Carmen Espinoza

Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate

  1. Title of the article: Teen Depression. Why? What can I help? Abortion

  2. Source of the article (link): https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/

  3. Author's name: Awake! magazine.

  4. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?

I think, it tells about the abortion in women, and the consecuences, especially in teenagers. Also I think, it explains about choices if it´s a decision or moral topics.

  1. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.

People said there are many reasons why a woman aborts. For economic reasons, to continue with their goals in life, due to problems with their partners, etc.

On the other hand, the Bilble defends the life because it says "In God's eyes, life-especially human life-is sacred".

According to the God´s law, says when a woman has conscience shouldn´t attack a child´s life, because if she respect that, she will be rewarded but if she violates that conscience will be condemned her. And finally it says that God is fair and he never abandone his loyal ones, even when the pregnancy isn´t planned.

If you had an abortion

The people tell about a single woman who said "I already had three young children and felt unable to care for four. Yet, after having an abortion, I felt I had done something horrible.". People asked she had had done something that God couldn´t forgive.

The Bible says that Christ had come to call to the sinners, because when they felt repentant for their sins even serious sins, God will forgive them.


  1. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.

1. Hardship: A condition that it´s dificult yo endure; a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression.

2. Endow: To provide with a permanent fund or source of income. 

3. Willing: Disposed or consenting; inclined. 

4. Contrite: Caused by or showing sincere remorse.

5. Remorse: Deep and painful regret for wrongdoing; compunction.


1. If my friend feels really remorse she asks forgiveness.

2. My friend Jessica is willingly to help people.

Student's Name: Carmen Espinoza

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