Extensive Reading Report – Intermediate
1) Title of the article:
Healthy foods that are way more Nutritious tan you realized.
2) Source of the article (link):
3) Author's name:
Reader's Digest Editors
4) Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
It seems that the reading will treat about the food necessary for our daily feeding and the importance of each of these foods, of the proteins that contribute us and we will surprise a long list of vitamins that they contain.
5) Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
Apples are very beneficial for our life and innumerable benefits contains for example it is a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain, its content of natural fiber good for preventing colon cancer and eat daily prevents us from high pressure.
Apricot also is an antioxidant that has high levels of iron and calcium and also regulates the balance of the liquid body.
Artichokes is a great source of Silymarin and may help prevent skin cáncer.
Asparagus contains folic acid which helps to fight stress and is a powerful diuretic.
Avocado contains more potassium than the bananas, is a type of healthy fat for heart and can reduce blood sugar levels.
Banana contains 100 calories in addition to much potassium and fiber without fat, also with tryptophan and vitamin B6.
Barley to shown that it plays a role in lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of cardiomyopathy.
Beans contain protein, B vitamins, iron, potassium, fiber and other minerals is very full. Legumes are remarkable for its content of isoflavones that are protective of the heart.
Beef is a good source of iron and is used to carry oxygen in the blood, but to get the benefit of this is not you should eat in excess.
Beet is source of folate and Betaine nutrients that reduce damage to arteries and its content of citric acid increases blood flow.
Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries or raspberries its high content of antioxidants reduce free radicals, as well as can also slow down brain aging and enhance your memory.
Broccoli has plenty of vitamins and minerals and other substances, the carrots are the source more abundant beta-carotene which helps to maintain hair, skin, eyes and bone healthy.
Celery helps destroy the benzopyrene, carcinogen that occurs in foods cooked at high temperatures. The cheese is a rich source of calcium as well as all dairy.
The corn contains ferulic acic which can inhibit cancer-causing substances. Eggs help to remove bloodstream cholesterol, while the yolk contains vitamin D which reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
Figs contain fiber, potassium, manganese, and calcium that helps to the conductivity of the heart. The fish contains abundant proteins and vitamins, for this reason, it is recommended to eat three times a week.
Garlic contains natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungoid compounds. the grapes it contains resveratrol powerful anticarcinoge also reduces platelet clot formation.
Besides containing calcium milk decreases the probability of developing insulin resistance. Mushrooms contain Niacin that reduces the risk of cardiomyopathy, mushrooms also strengthen your immune system.
Many studies have confirmed the high benefit of eating nuts. Oat is a type of fiber that helps in the functioning of the blood pressure.
Olive oil contains powerful antioxidants and help to protect against breast cancer. The orange contains pigments that help prevent or slow the growth of the tumor.
The pasta integral is a good way to prevent colon cancer while peas decrease the risk of producing stomach cancer.
Peppers are rich in beta carotene and vitamin C which can prevent atherosclerosis. Potatoes are rich in chlorogenic acid which has anti-cancer properties.
Tomato helps to maintain healthy blood flow and their seed has an anticoagulant effect, I can not fail to mention that it can prevent prostate cancer, yogurt with probiotics that strengthen the body's balance.
6) Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
I made jam with some apricots.
Apricots are delicious in season.
My dog's farts are very stinky, but I love him anyway.
You 'll like it, because it's stinky, like you!
All you really need for guacamole is ripe avocados and salt.
Leave the pit in the avocado if you don't want it to brown.
Where did you get this barley?
I really like the meal with barley
We may live in a humble dwelling, but we are a very happy family.
Ana is very humble about her achievements
7) Student's Name: I08 – ER1 – Anel Panez