Persuasive writing - Gerson Quispe

Money isn´t everything

I think that money is not too much necessary to be happy so, I  strongly agree with this topic because you´re nothing  if you´re not glad, for example, my sister is an immigrant actually, she´s working in a important corporation to Spain, I think it was because when she was young she found many grants in her life  .Now, she´s  happy for her achievement. I admire her because  she is too intelligent and she didn´t need to pay nor spend money in her education, she only used her intelligence.

You don´t need to have money if you want to find the bliss,I know a person who is happy without the necessity to have money, his name is Ricardo and  he is married with a lovely woman, Ricardo didn´t study nor he has a good position economic in the society.For other aspect his wifehas money necessary to live very well, but she doesn´t think for her own good  nor social differences. Strangly enough they´re beyond one´s reachy, they are living in the land ( no problems, without oppositions of their parents).

Love is truly the greatest gift of life; the love of a child, a parent, a spouse, a sibling, or a friend. Love is what drives the world, and that drive should never be the love of money, but rather love for people. That's what will bring real, lasting joy. Isn't that what we're all seeking?. Money can't buy love.

I prefer to be poor than I´ll have money and live in a sad world, I know an example about this point. Stephany is my neighbor, she has too much money and riches in Huancayo, but she doesn´t know about  happiness. she lives alone and she doesn´t have well wishers, for example, they only are there when she has a party, a celebrations,etc. But not when she needs them or she´s sick.

Finally, Money may provide things that can make you happy for a while, but real, lasting happiness can't be bought. It's something that comes from contentment within. Knowledge and confidence in who we are and a purpose in life is true happiness. Money can't buy that.

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