Insurance Report - Angie Chavez

My cellphone was stolen when I was in the bathroom of Real Plaza😥 . Well, I wanted to wash my hands so I put my cellphone next to the sink, I was washing my hands when my necklace fell to the floor, I just crouched to pick up my necklace, and when I standed up I realized that my cellphone wasn't there 😨, and there was no one in the bathroom.😱 I had been search my cellphone like 15 minutes but I didn't find it. I went to  "client attention" staff; and the lady, who was there, told me that there were two equal robberies in the same month😩 . 

1 comment:

  1. OK.
    Please use PERIODS (.) to end sentences, not COMMAS (,). See this, "standed = stood; I had been search... = I had been searching...; 'client attention'='customer service'"
