Name: Carlos Sanchez Date of incident: December 1 Location: Train Station
Items lost/Stolen: Briefcase Brand: Renzo Costa Value: $1000
Describe the Circumstances of the Loss/theft:
My briefcase was stolen when I was waiting to board the next train in train station. I had gotten to buy the last ticket, after 15 minutes I forgot where I put it, so I started to search in my pockets and I put my briefcase in the floor. Approximately after 1 minute I found my ticket, It was in my back pocket of my pants and suddenly my briefcase had disappeared, I remembered that three people were near me and immediately I asked about my briefcase but they hadn't seen anything, the train had arrived and I boarded It because I needed to go to another city where I have a job, after that I called train station security to reviewed their security cams and this way we tried to find what happened but They told me that this day their cameras were in maintenance.