Reader's Digest Report

Student's Name: KEVIN MINAYA Teacher's name: ANTONIO RIOS Date: JANUARY 25

1.    Write  the title of the article 10 ''bad'' things that an be good for you

2.    Write the author's name: Barbara Adamski

3.   Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?

 it's a good article only reading the tittle i think it's about important things for our life that we always thought was bad for us.

4.    Read the article and describe in as much detail as possible what you understand of it.

i think it's a good article because it shows us important things that someday they told us it was bad the first thing is computer games and video games, people always thought that  video games are  bad  but it's a wrong idea because videogames help us to control and develop our 5 senses . Another thing is to listen  to music is good for us if we listen on the high volumen it's good for us because it helps for our brain, its like a practice that it's about  send information and the last is  sending messages and not to communication i think sometimes it's good for our privacy but acording with the reading sometimes it's good because it helps with the comunication  with our parents but the disadvantage is when the son can say lies to their parents another disadvantage is that adolescent can send messages anonymous but  advantage is the most important.

5.  Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (word, collocation or idiomatic expression, etc.) and think of ways that could help you understand/learn these vocabulary items more effectively. Do so in your vocabulary log in your learning journal.


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