Fwd: Writing N° 1

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De: Angie Acosta <angieacosta.3281@gmail.com>
Date: mié., 18 de septiembre de 2019 5:12 p. m.
Subject: Writing N° 1
To: <aariosvel.int09@bloggler.com>

Angie Acosta Carrera                       I09 


In our country, medicine is one of the most difficult careers to enter, also most of students want to study this career, since it is like a challenge that most want to achieve. So, if you want to study it, I'm going to give some you advices to do a successful work in this career. First, leave the perfectionism, one thing that many students do is to compare their results with others, having negative thoughts and gradually leaving aside the optimism with which they started, you have to know that you are a person and probably you can make some mistakes, but you will learn, you will have second chances, and the most important thing you have to enjoy when you help people, because that is what a doctor do, so don't worry about it. Then, you have to be used to retain all kinds of information on a temporary basis, since the first introductory courses are anatomy and biology, that are hard at the begging, in which you must memorize a lot of essential information about the human body, if it's not the case, you have to get used to using more scientific terms, because medicine works a lot with science and it's a little bit difficult to understand if you don't know well some terms. Other advice, do an schedule, medicine it's a demanding career anywhere, so you have to be organized with your classes, your time to study and the time to get relax, because a doctor's schedule it's full of appointmens, surgeries and many things that a a doctor do, also you have to take care of your health, sometimes you won't have time to eat or sleep, studying medicine requires a lot of effort and dedication. You will go through moments of stress that can affect your health. Take care of your health based on a healthy diet, exercising and learn a disconnect and clear yourself when you have free time. If you have a bad schedule or you don't have one, you may feel very bad and you decide that medicine isn't a course for you, so you leave the career affecting all the years of study and the economy of your parents, that isn't a good idea. Also, don't miss any class, in medicine all the classes are important, because if you miss one of them, you won't know this topic, and it's will affect in your final exams, or when you start to work, for example, you miss the immunology class, where you learn, what vaccination or antibiotic, somebody needs if this person has an special kind of disease. Finally, and the most important, enjoy your career, being a good doctor is a commitment to yourself and to society, even though it demands a lot of sacrifice. To become it you have to give your best. The beauty of studying this career is that it gives you the chance to save and improve the lives of others. Enjoy learning, even after having time to think about salary and other rewards. Remember that medicine is not usually a poorly paid profession. Remember that your greatest reward will be to make others happy. 

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