Writing Nº2 I02 Gabriela Perez

How to overcome a language barrier?



Language barriers are a common challenge when you travel to another country with different language, here we have some tips to overcome a language barrier:

1)    Use plain language: it's necessary to use a simple expressions to other people understand you.

2)    Search information about customs: Before you have a conversation with a native person, you have to know what to say and what not to say, because you can say something that is good for you but for the other person can be rude.

3)    Improve your speaking and listening: there are many ways to improve your language, for example: listening to music, watching TV, watching video lesson in English.

4)    Use repetition:  Language barrier or not, people often need to hear something more than once to understand and remember it. Don't expect anyone to remember something you said once. If it's important, make it a regular part of your communication.

5)    Be patient: Language barriers, like all barriers to communication, can be frustrating and you have to be patient if you really want to learn.



Language barriers can be a challenge, but spending time with people of different cultures and backgrounds is what drives innovation, creativity, and success. You should never give up.

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