How to travel to a hot city like Piura
1. Before you travel to somewhere , you have to check the weather of this city.
It´s important to do this tip because you will know what kind of clothes you can take to your trip. In this case, if you are going to go to a hot city, you have to take light clothes like a t-shirt, a short, a pair of sandals, etc. Some people don't do this tip and when they arrive to this city , they have to buy some clothes that are useful for the weather.
2. Always carry a sunscreen and a hat.
Nowadays, ultraviolet radiation is very strong and causes damage to the skin. For these reason, you have to carry a sunscreen and a hat. If you forget any oF those, you can buy one somewhere.
3. If you walk a lot, you should drink water
It is good to hydrate the body and even more if you are in a hot place. You should hydrate all the day, this tip also helps you not to tire very quickly.
