unusual news story-nathalie gonzales

For a study recently published in the Journal of Neurophysiology, researchers scanned the brains of people who had recently  broken up  . They found the areas of the brain that were activated were the same as in those who are withdrawing from cocaine.

The study used MRIs to record the brain activity of 15 university-aged women and men who had broken up  by their long-term partners and who described themselves as still being "absolutely and very intensely in love."

The participants' brains were scanned as they looked at images of their lost loves. Then each was shown a "neutral" image of a casual acquaintance for comparison purposes.

Researchers found that looking at photos of former partners stimulated several key areas of participants' brains much more than viewing pictures of "neutral" people. (A similar effect can be observed when images of crack cocaine are shown to crack cocaine addicts.
Study author and clinical professor of neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Dr. Lucy Brown says romantic love can offer the same high as cocaine, and create similar feeling of withdrawal when the reward is withdrawn. But she notes that while romantic love and cocaine can be addictive, it's natural to get addicted to love.

She also notes that while breaking an addiction to a romantic love is hard, it can be done.

"You have to let the unconscious processes in your brain help you to heal. Time will change things," she said.

"And we can take a lesson from people who are recovering from cocaine addition and go to support groups: talk to people who are supportive, people who are sympathetic and understand. Talk about it. Think about what was good about the relationship and what was bad about it. And know that nature has given you these symptoms the next time."

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