This Blog has been created to promote the practice of English among students of the intermediate level
FW: Listening log 02 I05 José Córdova Hospina
FW: Listening log 01 I05 José Córdova Hospina
Listening log 01:
Listening log 01 I05 José Córdova Hospina
FW: I05-E.R.2-Jose Cordova Hospina
Extensive Reading Report – Intermediate
1. Title of the article: Premarital Sex
2. Source of the article (link):
3. Author's name: N. M.
4. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
Article is going to talk about if premarital sex, have sex before marry, it's ok or not.
5. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
The article it's about premarital sex from the viewpoint of bible, the text talks us about two viewpoints, first of all about the people that says premarital sex is tolerated by others and it can be possible to have before marry but by the viewpoint of Bible it's not, because in bible says people who have sex before marry, it's bad and it's call fornication, man and women must abstain to have sex because God's will says that "God will judge fornicators" and tell us that we must obey the will of God about sexual morality. The Bible advises us that we must stay as far away as possible from anything that could lure him or her into sexual immorality.
6. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
· Intimacy: a situation in which you have close friendship or sexual relationship with someone
Intimacy between teachers and student is forbidden in all schools.
Intimacy between workers and chief is not recommended.
· Abstain: to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might bebad
I took a vow to abstain from play videogames to studying hard.
I abstain to play soccer because i have a problem with my legs.
· Morality: a personal or social set of standards for good bad behaviour and character, or the quality of being right, honest, or acceptable.
I think the sexual morality from viewpoint of bible is exaggerated.
· Regard: to look carefully at something or someone
The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
I regarded all people in the street very dangerous because some of them could be robbers.
Student's Name: José Fernando Córdova Hospina
Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate
Title of the article: Pumpkin Carving Patterns: Fun Ideas from 27 Free Stencils
Source of the article (link):
Author's name:
Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
The first thing that occurred to me was to see the article that was talking about more creative ways to do more hallowen, how to decorate your house and other things
Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
Years of pumpkin carving projects have taught us that it's much easier to create memorable designs when you start with a stencil
The article its very interesting because I can lear about how i can decorate the pumpkin for example I considerated 3 creative and innovative form to create a new style , For example :
1-Hissing Cat
3-Lopsided Grin
IO5 - Listening 02-Technology Changes Brains
Jhony Martínez B.
Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate 05
IO5-Listening 01
One day a man was expecting in his house a scholar to have a meeting. The scholar knocked the man's door many times, but nobody was at home, he was very angry, so the scholar wrote in a piece of paper IDIOT!, and He left it on the door. Twenty minutes later the man arrived his house and saw the note, he run to the town and found the scholar in a market place. The man apologized the scholar and said: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot about the appointment, but then I luckly remembered when I saw your name at the door.
I think the moral of the story is that when you are angry is not a good idea to write anything you are feeling or thinking at the moment, and I agree with the narrator's point of view.
Jhony Martínez B.
15 Healthy Snack for kids - Brenda Torres I05
Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate
1.Title of the article: 15 Healthy Snacks for Kids
2. Source of the article (link): ____________
3. Author's name: Taylor Shea
4. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
I think this is how to prepare some delicious sandwiches, low-fat, healthy and easy to prepare. I think they are made from vegetable snacks, easy to digest for children and adults.
5. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
A healthy snack made whit Quinoa is very blessed because has high protein
. Another snack made sweet potatoe that contain vitamin A , which is good for the immune system.
Instead of cookies we can prepare snack with bananas, oats and peanut butter that are gluten free and low of sugar.
We can prepare rasperries filled with yogurt, which will make them more palatable
Another way to eat fruit can be with apple disc with Cinnamon.
We can prepare a delicious snack with Granola an fresh fruit.
Pop Corn with zesty cilantro lime can be a delicious and nutritious snack
Vegetables can be prepare like as chicken wings .
6. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
Dip: to put something quickly into a liquid and take it out again
Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.
The fruit had been dipped in chocolate.
Sprinkle: to shake small pieces of something or drops of a liquid on something
She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.
The sheets and pillows were sprinkled with lavender water.
Customize : to make or change something to suit the needs of the owner
You can customize the software in several ways.
we can customize the recipe with another ingredients
Cumin: the dried seeds of the cumin plant, used in cooking as a spice
The meat must be seasoned with cumin
Cumin can be in granular or powder
Foodie: a person who is very interested in cooking and eating different kinds of food
My father is a foodie person because he eat differents kinds of snack
My brother is a foodie person because he is a chef.
Student's Name:Brenda Torres Valladares
I05-E.R.1-Jose Cordova Hospina
Extensive Reading Report – Intermediate
1. Title of the article: How to Forgive
2. Source of the article (link):
3. Author's name: N. M.
4. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you think the article will be about?
Article try as couples can forgive; we give some tips to solve marital problems we may have in the future.
5. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as possible.
The article is about how to forgive your partner, first known to us 4 points, where is the power, resentment, disappointment, Misunderstanding. The first point tells us that there is always someone who wants to maintain control of the situation so that their arguments do not lose validity. Secondly speaks of resentment, here tells us that one can use past negative events to use as a shield against the problem. Third is the disappointment when the couple lived infatuation stage thought that marriage would be like at the time, but when they realize the problems and not become disillusioned. Finally are the misunderstandings, here explains that in couples, there are always words that are not properly understood by the other, always have to be clear and speak the truth. Then tell us some tips, for example think about the consequences of forgiving your partner, because one must think about what forgiveness can result if the person reconsider or will continue in the same. It also tells us to see the benefits and disadvantages of forgiveness, tells us that we should consider all benefits for not repent later. Be realistic and reasonable thinking is also part of the ability to forgive so that no other problems occur later, always think about the good and bad in all objectivity.
6. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
· Misunderstanding: a failure to understand, or an argument resulting from the failure of two people or two sides to understand each other.
The misunderstanding I had with my mother, it was believed that the review that I brought was mine but it was actually my friend.
I took it as misunderstanding with my friend, when he went out with my girlfriend
· Realistic: having or showing a practical awareness of things as they are
I am realistic about my future, so I must study hard to be a good professional.
I am realistic about the chances for Peru to go the Mundial someday.
· Reasonable: based on or using good judgment, and therefore fair and practical
I can't be reasonable with lies.
My best friend is reasonable when asking favors.
· Resent: to dislike or be angry at something or someone because you have been hurt or not treated fairly
I resented being treated like a child by my family.
My resentment with the school wasn't to have friendly teachers.
Student's Name: José Fernando Córdova Hospina
Extensive Reading Report - Intermediate
1. Title of the article: Can you trust the news media?
2. Source of the article (link):
Author's name: Jehovah's Witnesses
3. Before you read, look at the picture(s) if any, as well as the title. What do you
think the article will be about?
I think the article will be about the reliance on information and how reliable it is.
4. Read the article and describe what you understand of it in as much detail as
In the US people don't trust all in news media. There are many facts to believe
that news are manipulated, behind this manipulation of information there are several facts that causes this lack of reliance on news medias.
First, we say there are economic interests because media outlets are business and every business needs to make money, and this money comes from advertising, so in this way medias have to keep down their comments against some sponsors, because this sponsors could advertise elsewhere. Second, there are personal interests from part of some journalist that want to make a report about several subjects, but some of these journalist fall down into despair because they want to show reliable evidence to make their reports believable, so they manipulate evidence and these kind of acts make news unreliable. In the other hand, every journalist has a different way to present a story, so they're free to include or omit some information, sometimes distorting the sense of the news.
Finally, all we find in news media is not false, we just need to be a bit more careful and wiser. That's why before relying on some information it's necessary to make us some questions to find some of consistency in any kind of information. But remember: What seems to be a fact today may be proved wrong tomorrow.
5. Vocabulary Use: Choose 05 new vocabulary items (words, collocations or idiomatic expressions, etc.) and write their meanings and 02 examples related to your real experience.
1. Mogul: A very rich or powerful person; a magnate.
- I always wake up thinking about the day I'll become a mogul and I'll be able to buy everything I want.
- I would like to meet a mogul and ask him an advice.
2. Deface: Spoil the appearance or surface of; disfigure./ destroy.
- I wish I could raise my cat again, because every time I get a new pair of slippers she defaces it.
- Once when I was a child my dog defaced my workbook, so I could not give my homework to my teacher.
3. Titillate: To excite (another) pleasurably, superficially or erotically.
- Every time my cousin sees a beautiful woman on the street, he titillates and blushes so much at the point that his face looks like a tomato.
- Soccer titillates me so much, that's why every time I watch a soccer match I'm hooked on it.
4. Convey: to give official information or a formal message to someone.
to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly.
- I like Claude Monet's paintings because it conveys a lot of feelings and sensations once you see his work.
- Every time I share my opinion about different kind of subjects I try to convey it as clear as possible.
5. Left out: to not include someone or something.
- When I was a kid I used to leave out fat kids because I considered they were stupid boy. Now I think that was stupid and I feel ashamed of it.
- Once I read about someone that I don't remember his name right now, I realized that when you want to follow your dreams you just need to leave your complexes out and trust in yourself.
Student's Name: Diego Mendoza Coral