
To stop bullying, we need to combat it at its source.

Bullies are usually young people with problems at home; therefore, to stop this bad behavior, education must begin in this environment. Additionally, those who are victims of this phenomenon are mostly introverted people with poor family relationship and without communication. If parents could talk more with their children, they would have more confidence and they could talk about their problems, in this way people could detected whatever attempt to bullying and could intervene quickly.

On the other hand, education in schools or colleges, it is very important. Many times, young people tend to learn behaviors of these places, inasmuch as they spent most of their time in school. Teachers should monitor their students, create presentations for them and their parents.

Finally, government institutions and the media also play an important role in preventing cases of bullying. A knowledgeable person can teach others. People likes to be heard and, sometimes, at home aren't someone to whom tell their problems.



Daniel Burgos - I10

I strongly believe that bullying appears everywhere and in all types of society, but mostly in men.

The aggression happens when the victim is alone and that is why very few people become aware of what is happening. The consequences os the bullying are the deterioration of self-esteem, depression or even suicide attempts.

The most important role to prevent this contemporary issue that are of the parents and schools, parents should be in constant communication with their children and schools because it is where the bullying mostly happens. I am convinced that with doing this will reduce or even bullying can be eliminated.

No bullying

Juan Fernando Saldaña Asto                    I10

I am convinced that that bullying is contemporary issue in the society because it affect children   not to mention the fact that children are the future of the world .

I strongly believe that this issue are majority in the school where the student with well-built pick on or intimidate on student weak to give you an idea about the problem the weak student don't go to  school because he or she is scared because he or she don't want fight or be part of bullying ,and besides he or she don't study  so he or she can`t go pass the exam or repeat the course .

So I think that this issue have to be solved ,in special in the school  take for example  teacher get more attention in what happen on the class and immediately inform to the director, give psychology attention to bullies.

no bullying


Jerald Salomé I-10

Im convinced that Bullies lack personal power so they step on someones feelings to feel powerful.
Bullying is about fear and intimidation, not only that, Bullies try to make people respect them without earning respect.
I think bullies are insecure for one reason or another... some may even be getting bullied at home by an older sibling or even a parent,
it comes from somewhere and should be stopped at the source.


Bullying is considered school harass, it is a form of psychological, physical or verbal mistreatment.
If it had passed in all the schools, it might have been very worrying for the society. I think that a solution is to teach this topic at school,  especially to adolescents because if they had lived this situation, they would have known to protect someone.
Another important solution is the communication between parents and children about the bullies, if they dedicated more time to their children, they would be more closely related and there would be more confidence between parents and children. If children tell their parents what they live at school, we will find a better solution. Communication is the key and we have to promote it. Finally I think that the goverment should create programs when people can find to help for this problem.


Student:Yarasca Chavez Pierre Gary
Today´s hot issue: BULLYING

children who bully othershave psychological problems, and need treatment, not punishment
I think that the bullying is originated at home, with the fathers. The fathers spend a lot of time working and working
but don´t spend the enought time with their children. Instead punish the children, they must take psychological treatment.
Fathers who are aggressive at home teaches their children to be dominant, to command respect like their parents.
The best choice to eliminate this issue is psychological treatment, not just to the children to the parents too.


 Olger Baldeón

Well I think about the bullying is caused for the people who has tendency to dislike the person who is in some way different than her or him. And for This type of people is not important how the other people are feeling.

In Peru is usual see that problem of bullying in Schools, It is a serious problem and the Managers of school needs take action about it problem, to search solutions for the negative effects of it and requires constant monitoring and follow up. But If we ignore cruel behavior, we are accepting it and it will be difficult to control.

Finally is important the communications parents with children to know all about children`s live and put any way solutions if our children are having problems in theirs school, universities or others places. 

RE: Writing N° 1

My post
Favio Flores Palomino - I 10

It seems to me that the solution to this problem is not punishing the bullies, the solution is educating the families. The root of bullying is the education that the bullies recieve. If they are educated in a bad way, they would act in a bad way. So, if we educate people to be humble and helpful, this problem would disappear. The government could do social programs in order to make people think that bullying is a problem caused by the wrong education. Parents should know that they can change the present and the future of bullies and bullied kids. If the bullies are punished in home, they would change their behavior and they won't bully more. Also, if children learn that they could stop any act of bullying without suffering consequences, they would stops any act of bullying. The key to solve this problem is the education that kids receive. We must change the people's thinking way. Only we can change our reality. We must change this reality, starting at home.



Bullying is a problem these days has increased and is more likely that this exists in the classroom but the important thing is knowing how to end the problem of what should and the solution is in the hands of parents and teachers because of them have an education recibirn of respect for other people and their freedom. so those who suffer should seek help bullyin and tell their problems and not be silent and to cause the people who give respect and listen, take into account the views, then do not give rise to these behaviors


Nicole Suematsu Canzio-Peru-Huancayo                         I10
I think the bullying es one comtemporary issue and is very dangerous more in the school. The childrens needs to learn that this behavior es unacceptable. We need to educate the childrens that  they have to respect oru classmates.Furthermore,the kids would be likely to tell someone that happend and find one solution for this problem.Also the theacher should have more carefully with the kids ad try to help if something is pass in the class.


Without a doubt, I'm totality against of bullying, bullies think that it's a game but it causes a big serious problem in the victim of bullying. I think teachers have to take more control on students not only in the classroom also on the playground, which produce most of the cases. When a boy or girl teases, threatens or hits another, they must intervene to it not happens again.
Bullying is increasing in the last years and often, bullies become criminals. They usually do it because they have problems in their houses or psycological problems and they take out their feeling in other. But if you are a victims of bullying, inmediatly you must talk with your parents, teachers or with a person you trust. Don't allow someone intimidate you.



Andrea Lazo-Perú, Huancayo
In my opinion bullying is a way to abuse no reason to any person who does nothing to provoke it.
I disagree that these people stay in places where bullying occurs and further abuses.
No person should handle any type of abuse and whether it has done necessarily should report it